Ladies and Gentlemen, I have been following the stories about Jian Ghomeshi, and now Bill Cosby, with some interest for the past month or so!
I was going to write more about how the practice of male abuse of women has to be stopped, and at the same time some method for curtailing the incidence of females accusing their partners of false allegations of violence, abuse, molestation and rape during divorce and custody battles has to be implemented.
I was at a total lose on the best way to do this until I read an article by Margaret Wente in the weekend edition of the Globe and mail.
In this article Margaret put things into “Perspective” for me like no one else has!
I would like to present parts of it here and you will see what I mean!
Those sickening stories about powerful, predatory men refuse to go away. Just as the Jian Ghomeshi revelations started dying down, the Bill Cosby business reared its ugly head. America’s dad alleged to be a serial rapist? As with Mr. Ghomeshi, there are so many women with similar stories that it’s difficult to write any one of them off as someone with a grudge.
Along with the relentless focus on campus “rape culture,” these incidents paint a depressing picture of a world in which men still prey on women every day, in ways both large and small. Is this picture really true? Has nothing changed since the dawn of feminism? What more can be done to stop it?
Ask 10 women and you’ll get 10 different answers – answers that will invariably be shaped by their own experiences. For what it’s worth, this is my answer:

It may be unpopular to say so, but nothing short of castration could force all men to behave. Evolutionarily speaking, we’re not so far removed from the days when a guy signalled that he liked you by hitting you over the head with a club and dragging you into the bushes. Civilizing influences can improve behaviour in remarkable ways, but they can never quite erase the influence of sex drive, testosterone and aggression. In their sexual prime, men think about sex constantly. They’re perfectly happy to have sex with complete strangers. None of this excuses men who assault women, but it does remind us that they’re wired differently. Women, in general, don’t assault men. Anyone who pretends that there’s no difference between the sexes in sexual thoughts and behaviour is doing a grave disservice not only to biology, but to young men and women who are struggling to comprehend each other.


I grew up when harassment was pervasive. Without exception, every woman I know had to fend off unwanted advances from bosses, colleagues, parental friends and complete strangers from the time they became teenagers.

Then she goes on to say:

Every woman I know has been groped, rubbed, leered at and whispered to obscenely by strangers, who also occasionally expose themselves on subways and in other public places. We grew up in a world where casual street harassment was as familiar as the traffic lights.

YUP, there is is, boys and girls……………. Margaret has simply got to get herself some new friends!


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