There is a reason the U.S. has the greatest percentage of people locked up compared to the rest of the world, and that is because they have a justice system that is absolutely harsh and draconian.
If you don’t believe me, just ask Conrad Black.  (He would never have gone to trial, let alone be convicted, here in Canada.)
But, that’s getting a little off topic, so here is the reason for this little rant on my part!
Neetzan ZimmermanOnly in Florida can a man show his testicles to the cops to get out of being arrested for public lewdness.
Police in Port St. Lucie were dispatched to the parking lot of a CVS after a call came in about a man masturbating inside his car.
Confronting the man on his way out of the CVS, officers asked him to explain the “up and down motion in the area of his crotch” that caused attention to be brought on himself.
The man claimed he was simply scratching a jock itch as he had recently developed a rash in that region of his body.
With permission, the suspect “presented his testicles” to one of the officers so that his rash could be verified.
The cop concluded that the man was telling the truth, and he was subsequently released to scratch in peace.
Of course, we here at the Perspective Research Department believe the reason the guy wasn’t charged is because the cop would have to testify in court that he looked at his balls!