In a move that polarized online opinion, Google has introduced a new algorithm Thursday that will produce fewer pornographic images on its image search.
The change took effect in the U.S., and hasn’t yet been implemented in Canada.
Twitter was abuzz with the change, which likely will affect the U.K., U.S. and Canada, but not some European countries like Germany.
The new search results come after Google recently changed its SafeSearch settings. Instead of having three SafeSearch options (off, moderate and on), users now only have the option of turning an explicit results filter on or off.

Torstar News Service
In a statement emailed to the Torstar News Service, Google explained that the adult content isn’t being censored, just that a user will have to search for them specifically.
“We use algorithms to select the most relevant results for a given query. If you’re looking for adult content, you can find it without having to change the default setting — you just may need to be more explicit in your query if your search terms are potentially ambiguous,” the statement read.
“No filter is 100 per cent accurate, but SafeSearch should help you avoid most of this type of material,” writes Google on its help site.

Twitter user ?@_WillieClark solemnly declared Thursday “The day the porn died.”