It happened, after a glorious reign of at least a couple of hundred years, the word ‘fuck’ is out as things we never say in polite society, and ‘nigger’ is in!

Not only that, but the P.C. crowd has everyone so conditioned that we aren’t even allowed to spell nigger properly ……………………………., we have to pretend everyone is six years old.

NIGGxR, or NIGxxR?

Maybe it’s NIxxER, or is it NxxxxR?

How about just a short form……………… GAR!

Whatever happens, I hope society picks a different “verboten” word soon, because I’m getting really tired of not saying this one!

If there’s one sponsor who should be standing by Paula Deen‘s side  for saying nigger once 35 years ago, it’s ham.

Paula Deen’s racial slur scandal is costing her an endorsement deal with Smithfield, the pork company that sold a ham with her name and face on it.

“Smithfield condemns the use of offensive and discriminatory language and behavior of any kind,” Smithfield says in a statement. “Therefore, we are terminating our partnership with Paula Deen. Smithfield is determined to be an ethical food industry leader and it is important that our values and those of our spokespeople are properly aligned.”

(When ya think about it that kind of makes sense kids. They lost the Jews, I guess they don't want to lose the blacks as well! -Ed.)