The left-wing is crazy and the right-wing scares the shit out of me!

Allan's Perspective is NOT recommended for the politically correct, or the overly religious. Some people have opinions. Some people have convictions......... What we offer is PERSPECTIVE!

Tuesday 2 February 2016


Dear Readers:

I don't really know who is behind this site, but what they are talking about has serious consequences for everyone if it's on the level!

Daily headlines prove that Europe is bursting at the seams with Islamists attempting to establish Sharia law and homegrown terror plots. France is ablaze with radicals, ISIS threatens they will send Spain back to the times of the Ottoman Empire, and Britain is much too concerned with appeasing Muslims that they are doing away with their own citizens’ free speech.

The world is idly watching to see which European country will fall to Islamic rule, creating the first Muslim nation.

According to TMI, Muslims have already established which country will be the first to cave to Sharia:

A website claiming to be the Danish Muslim Party (DAMP) published a “press release” in English and Danish, saying that Denmark will be the first Muslim nation in Europe.

The website also stated as follows:

“[W]e can assure you that everything will be better in Muslim Denmark: No drugs, no crime, peace, and humanity – instead of drug culture, immorality, possibly human rights crimes and violence which we have now.”

“Every immigrant or Muslim in Danish jails should be released from prisons, because it is possible that there has been plotting or framing or provocation towards them – and all cases should be investigated again carefully.”

“Muslim party will be biggest party of Denmark – and it may be soon. First day after Turkey becomes EU member country – about one million 20-50 year old Muslims [may] move to Denmark, and after that Denmark [may] be a Muslim country. Be ready!”

“Danish Muslim party’s only agenda is to get Muslims into Danish politics and into the parliament, no matter what our ideas and religious or political beliefs are.”

Mathaba News Network cites that 700,000 Muslims live in Denmark, and about one-third of the Danish parliament is Muslim. With this large of a percentage of Islamists in government, Muslims are seeing their religious views established in legislature under the guise of anti-discrimination.

According to the website, riots and violence from the Muslim community is a direct response to the mistreatment of Muslims, and can be solved by integrating them into politics.

So, to keep Islamists from killing and rioting, we must put them in positions of power, and if we don’t, they will resort to destruction and violence. Does this sound like the kind of people who you would trust to lead a nation?

Denmark had better wake up to the religious revolution before their rights are stripped away from them in favor of an Islamic State.


Christians with Middle Eastern backgrounds in Denmark experience harassment, verbal attacks and in some cases direct violence from Muslims. TV2 News has been in contact with a number of Christians in Denmark who tell of violent experiences.

Jojo was born in Denmark of Lebanese parents. She lived in Gellerupparken (a major Muslim area) until she was eight.

One day she sat in her car in Nørrebro (a Muslim-dominated area in Copenhagen). Seven young people with Arab background surrounded the car. One of them put his foot up on the hood and stared at her.

“Do you think I’m looking at you, you fucking ugly whore. Try to see what clothes you wear, bitch,” he said to Jojo, who dresses as Danish women do: shorts and a t-shirt in the summer.

Then he noticed the cross around her neck.

“Well, you have a cross on — then you are also a Christian fucking whore. Do you know what we do to people like you? Do you know what we do to people like you? You get stoned,” he screamed. …

The Danish police say that they do not get many reports about such matters, but they fear that such crimes are largely under-reported, because people do not dare to report the cases. …

TV2 News has also interviewed another woman who is persecuted for her Christian faith.

She wants to remain anonymous for fear of reprisals and because she and her son are being harassed on the block where they live. Living in that area as a single Christian mother without a Islamic scarf makes her stick out in an area with primarily Muslim families.

“My son is being called everything. I get called all sorts of things. Infidel. Filthy Christians. They tell me I ought to be stoned to death,” she says.

“My son was beaten at the bus stop. He was called pig, dirty potato (Muslim slang for Danes), and that ‘you and your mother should die.”’

She complained to the local estate office, which responded by inviting the group of children and young people for a meeting. One day they knocked on the door of the Christian woman’s home. Through the peephole she could see some of the children and young people and she thought they had come to say they were sorry, so she opened the door. But instead, two grown men pressed into her apartment.

“He called me a dirty Christian whore and an infidel. Then he pushed me into the apartment. He shook me and slapped my face.”

Both the woman of Iranian background and Jojo are now trying to move away from the areas where they live.

“I can not be in Nørrebro anymore,” says Jojo, who has decided to move to a shelter for her own protection.

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