The left-wing is crazy and the right-wing scares the shit out of me!

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Monday 15 January 2018

Come and get it!

Dear Friends: Pamela Anderson and her buddies at PETA (People for the Ehical Treatment of Animals) just refuse to go away, folks! (P.S. Pam is a hypocrite folks, because I know for a fact that she's a meat eater......, I've seen the video!)
The anti-meat movement is gaining momentum with a new campaign by the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) calling for a “sin tax” on beef, pork, poultry and even fish.

The premise is that meat is bad for human health and should be taxed like cigarettes and alcohol to discourage consumption.

They say meat production is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions or, as PETA spokesperson Ashley Byrne put it, is “catastrophic for the environment.”

Not only does eating meat come naturally to humans, but it is healthy in moderate amounts — no more than six ounces a day, says the American Heart Association.
Image result for cow clipart
Most meats are high in protein, Vitamin E and the B vitamins (including Vitamin B12), Omega-3 and minerals, especially iron, zinc and magnesium. These elements are vital in maintaining good health. Skinless chicken and turkey are low-fat alternatives to high-fat lamb and duck.

As to the environment, there are places where land, unfortunately, has been deforested to raise cattle. But Canada is not one of them. In fact, our grasslands have adapted to the rumination of livestock and our meat production contributes an insignificant amount to GHG emissions compared with the global figure, says the B.C. Cattlemen’s Association.

What a tax on meat would accomplish is to deprive people of a rich source of protein that will satiate them and give them the energy to work, study and play.

Like all regressive consumption taxes, it will hit the lowest income earners hardest. It will also harm a $28-billion industry, one of Canada’s largest manufacturing industries and the largest employer in the food manufacturing group.

Meanwhile, pass the BBQ sauce!

The way I see it anyway!

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