The left-wing is crazy and the right-wing scares the shit out of me!

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Wednesday 1 August 2018

Run for the border!

Dear Friends: We had the perspective Research Department look into the difference between  sneaking into Canada (from the States) and sneaking into the U.S. from Mexico and Central America.
(There is a real run for the border here in Canada lately as more and more American immigrants, legal and illegal, run for Canada because of the current situation down in the States!)

Usually a Canadian arrest involves walking across the border from the States and being met by a Mountie who puts you and your family in a motel and starts all the paperwork for a hearing with the immigration department on why you're there.

 Image result for immigrant detention centers canada

Meanwhile, on the Mexican border, the  I.C.E. patrols will arrest you and your famisly and throw you into a detention center, while they take the kids and sent them off to God only knows where!

After a brief hearing, you are either deported or given a bus ticket to Mexico, while the immigration guys try to find out what the hell happened to your kids!

The way I see it anyway!s

 Image result for immigrant detention centers

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