The left-wing is crazy and the right-wing scares the shit out of me!

Allan's Perspective is NOT recommended for the politically correct, or the overly religious. Some people have opinions. Some people have convictions......... What we offer is PERSPECTIVE!

Thursday, 17 March 2011

No wonder the Banks make a $Billion$ dollars a year!

Canada has five BIG banks, and then a whole bunch of smaller ones. They are also the only banks in the world that didn't get into any trouble during the recession of 2008-2009.


Because of me!

That's right. ME!

(And a few million other people like me.)

They still operate in the tradition of the old, staid, British Bankers, even if the old, staid, British bankers aren't so old, or staid, anymore!

You see, they think, and act, like Gods!

The S.O.B.'s think they can do what they want with ya!

The reason I am off on a rant like this the first thing in the morning is that I bought something through 'PayPal' a few days ago for 30 bucks and forgot that the money comes out of an account that didn't have any money in it!

Naturally this put me 'overdrawn' by thirty bucks so instead of taking the money out of my chequing account or credit card they sent it back!

Didn't want me to be overdrawn. (Remember this!)


They charged me forty bucks for the 'overdraught,' and I'm now forty bucks in the hole! (It would have been cheaper for them if I was only thirty dollars overdrawn!)

I have also decided that since it is their fault that I owe money I am going to charge them FIFTY bucks for overdrawing me............ that way I'll be ten bucks to the good!

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