The left-wing is crazy and the right-wing scares the shit out of me!

Allan's Perspective is NOT recommended for the politically correct, or the overly religious. Some people have opinions. Some people have convictions......... What we offer is PERSPECTIVE!

Wednesday 22 June 2011

Rob Ford has no pride?

So.......... Rob Ford's not going to make an appearance at Pride 2011.

Citing a family engagement at his cottage in Huntsville, he'll be the first mayor in recent memory to skip the event (David Miller, Mel Lastman and Barbara Hall all attended the parade).

Not surprisingly, there's been tons of reaction to the decision.

Some question whether or not his weekend commitment is as important as he's made it out to appear, others say that family events should come first, while still others opine that the Mayor of Toronto should be at an event like Pride no matter what.

We here at Perspective have a different opinion and sent this letter.

Even though I left Toronto many years ago, it's still my home town, and I look with horror at what those socialist s.o.b.'s have done to the city.
(Too long to list here, but transit and the waterfront, including the airport, spring to mind!)

It's about time we had a conservative run things and
it is therefore with great pride, (no pun intended!) that I applauded your decision to go to your cottage the weekend of that gay pride parade thing in Toronto.

Have a gay old tyme!

Allan Janssen

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