The left-wing is crazy and the right-wing scares the shit out of me!

Allan's Perspective is NOT recommended for the politically correct, or the overly religious. Some people have opinions. Some people have convictions......... What we offer is PERSPECTIVE!

Wednesday 7 September 2011

Pedophile’s Running Wild! |


Back when gays were starting to come out of the closet in the sixties, their first tries at legitimacy were primarily directed to establishing themselves as being mainstream because their homosexuality was not a matter of choice, but rather a natural condition for a certain percentage of the population. (Unfortunately they cheated by exaggerating their numbers as being in the 10% range instead of the 2% it actually was!)

Their contention that they didn’t have a choice in the matter, (which was true) got not only a sympathy vote, but also helped to establish them as a part of general society regardless of what opposition was directed at them on religious and/or moral grounds. The statement that they didn’t have a choice, or even wanted one, was an unassailable ticket towards acceptance……..!

Therefore it is with great dismay that I now hear that same argument used by pedophiles in an attempt to justify their own perverse lifestyle and sexual practices.

Seems there was a pro-pedophile convention held in Baltimore a few weeks ago, and in lectures and speeches attended largely by left wing-nuts and academics they are using the same tactics as the gays to try and gain legitimacy.

(The first time I ever hear of a sympathy vote for pedophiles was back in the seventies in Toronto when a young shoe-shine boy was murdered by a pedophile and a local publication called “Men, Loving Boys, Loving Men,” tried, if not to justify, then to at least to explain how such a horrific crime could happen! Fortunately the article only raised the ire of everyone concerned, and the child fuckers only ostracized themselves even more.)

The reason for this article is to explain that although it was only the nut-cases on the far left that attended this convention, the fact that it was held at all is a dire warning that sinister forces are at work here to inject these diseases into society, and we must be ever vigilant to assure that they never gain a toe-hold amongst the masses.  This would be the start of a long slippery slope towards utter chaos within the moral fabric of society!

If we’re not already well down that road!

Pedophile’s Running Wild! |

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