According to the Perspective Research Department, and the Naked News Staff, this might be one of the best examples of the difference between Canada and the United States.
Here in Ka-na-da deer are generally shy and gentle, with the majority of them avoiding humans as much as possible.
Not so in Uh-merica however!.
Down there in Texas deer are bold and brash, with a kick-ass mean streak through them as well. (Either that, or they will do anything for a smoke!)
Whitehouse, TX – Take a look at the damage to this truck in the video. (They called the police and the game warden for help after the buck attacked them.)
It took five men to restrain the animal, and they had to tase the deer.
One of the men had this to say, “He came up and started poking me in my ribs so I grabbed him by the horns and pushed him back and hopped in the back of my truck. He climbed up here and put his front paws on my seat and got my pack of cigarettes and started chewing them. I think the deer tried to switch places, I think he was trying to hunt us!”
The police responding to this incident also suffered some minor injuries. One officer had a broken wrist.