Dear Readers; Your always busy reporter has been on a rampage about how the Indians are screwing us, and how the extreme left wing is encouraging them. (These are the same assholes that are  politically correct, femi-nazi’s, tree huggers and members of PETA)
Well guess what kids?
Seems I wasn’t too far of the mark!
We have four articles here that are MUST reading for anybody that cares about this country!
Ezra Levant_op
Last week was the busiest of Theresa Spence’s life. She’s the chief of the Attawapiskat Indian reserve who has been on a “hunger strike.”
Her week started with the release of a damning financial audit by Deloitte, which found that millions of dollars spent from her band finances had no paper trail. That kind of bombshell keeps you busy.
And then there was the big meeting of all the Indian chiefs in town, where she was a big topic of discussion.
And of course the week ended on a high note. Although she refused to meet with the prime minister, she did permit the governor general to meet with her.
All in all, a pretty exciting week for a woman who usually putters around a remote town of 1,500 people.
Which makes a press release that she sent out in the middle of last week amazing.
In the middle of all that, the chief sent out a press release about … the Alberta oilsands?
In the middle of the most intense week of her life, which was about the prime minister, the governor general, her Indian band, the audit, her hunger strike and her, her, her, she put out a detailed press release condemning the oilsands? Attawapiskat is in northern Ontario. It’s 1,900 km from the oilsands. It’s the same distance from Attawapiskat to Nashville, Tenn.
Spence has never said anything about the oilsands in public. Her only possible connection is that her Indian band’s stock portfolio contains a million dollars of oilsands shares.
She surely didn’t write the release. So who did?
Who hates the oilsands, and has a strategy to make Indians the frontmen for their environmentalist attacks?
Well, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund does. They’re liberal, white, New York billionaires. Five years ago they came up with a 48-page plan to attack Canada’s oilsands. Their annual budget is $7 million and their campaign plan calls for using First Nations frontmen.
This isn’t a conspiracy theory. Because it’s not a theory, it’s a fact. And other extremist groups admit to it, too.
The Canadian subsidiary of San Francisco’s Tides Foundation gave a grant of $27.3 million to a trust fund to bankroll environmental campaigns on two B.C. Indian bands. Tides funds 36 anti-development groups. Tides, the Rockefellers, the Moore Foundation, the Hewlett Foundation, the Bullitt Foundation and more have poured hundreds of millions of dollars into Canada over the past decade to radicalize environmental groups.
They choose Indian bands for obvious reasons. Reporters don’t question Indians — it would make them feel racist. Police are afraid to take on Indians blocking roads — whereas they actually like arresting dirty hippies.
And the accounting on Indian reserves is weak. You can pour millions of dollars into a band and no one will notice. Spence is collecting donations for her “hunger strike.” Her boyfriend, who happens to be the town’s co-manager, has set up a private bank account for it.
Do you think the tycoon chief of an Indian band — who drives a luxury vehicle, who can’t account for 81% of band transactions, who has an anonymous bank account — would decline money from the Rockefellers or Tides? Sun Media put the question to her. She hasn’t replied.
Is that what spurred Spence’s press release? Are our Indians being colonized again — this time by unscrupulous white men from New York and San Francisco?
QMI Agency
Word that the First Nations’ Idle No More movement plans a peaceful protest Wednesday at the base of the Ambassador Bridge that connects Windsor to Detroit does not trouble us an iota.
But, should it morph into a barricade, the cops must move in.
When the Ambassador Bridge, the busiest international border crossing in North America, is responsible for the daily carriage of millions of dollars in goods, the blockage of it for hours or days would give us a bitter taste of the threats hurled by some intemperate First Nations chiefs to bring our economy to its knees.
This is not an overstatement.
Over a year, those millions add up to $130 billion.
Already we have witnessed provincial police in Ontario sitting idly by while First Nations protesters blocked a major railway line through western Ontario, claiming intervention would create a springboard for potential violence and the domino effect of similar-fact protests.
In fact, the police even ignored a judge’s order to have the protesters removed, which is odd considering these same police use judge-signed warrants as the authority to make raids on private property, seize evidence and make arrests.
So why do they back off enforcing the law when it comes to First Nations?
Yes, it is a politically incorrect question, but the silence in responding to it is also the answer.
They sit back because of the fear of hell breaking loose, especially with women and children in the midst of the protest.
What police commander, after all, wants to move in on women and children when the news cameras are focused on them, when the consensus media is salivating at the thought of confrontation, and when “citizen journalists” are tweeting 132-character accounts that will undoubtedly not be pro-police, all while firing off smart phone photos to their social media accounts?
This is a dilemma, and it has become a dilemma because we have allowed it to become one.
A Sun News Network poll Monday showed 80% of respondents believed the police would do nothing Wednesday if the protest turned into an illegal blockade.
Losing faith in them so soon is not a good sign.
What can we do to fix Indian Affairs in this country?
Don’t look to the chiefs. They have no clue. They demanded a meeting with the prime minister — as if there has been a lack of meetings over the past century. To their surprise, he agreed. So the chiefs promptly came up with a new demand. They wanted to meet with the governor general, too.
And he agreed to meet with them after their session with the PM. Which threw the chiefs into a panic and a rage.
It’s tough to take yes for an answer, when you’re looking for a fight.
A fight is precisely what the chiefs wanted, or at least the noisiest ones. Derek Nepinak, the Grand Chief of all Manitoba Indians, called for a massive shutdown of the Canadian economy if he doesn’t get what he wants.
He’s not sure exactly what it is that he wants. But he’ll shut down the economy if he doesn’t get it. “We’ve got the geography covered,” he yelled at reporters.
It wasn’t just rich chiefs from poor bands. “If we have to shut down this economy then we will,” said Wallace Fox, chief of the Onion Lake band. His band is oil rich, with its own oil company. But he was trying out his Occupy Wall Street script, and the chiefs cheered him on.
Fox and Nepinak and a hundred others had been cooped up in the Delta Hotel in Ottawa, ostensibly to hammer out a negotiating position to take with Harper. But they invited the media into the room. One does not prepare for a political negotiation in public. The meeting became theatre. And the free-for-all descended into a contest of who could out-crazy the others — with Theresa Spence, the snacking hunger-striker from Attawapiskat, as the baseline.
The climax came when the Ontario chiefs announced that if the PM and GG didn’t meet the chiefs, at the same time — this was the cleverest demand they could make on behalf of their people — then they would shut down the province’s roads and railways on Jan. 16.
What kind of leaders demand a meeting with the prime minister, but then refuse to attend over a trifle? Unserious leaders, malicious, spoiled and coddled. The lack of media scrutiny, the lack of financial responsibility, the lack of police response to lawbreaking, have shaped their political culture.
There is no quick answer. Bill C-27, requiring chiefs and band councillors to publish their incomes is a baby step towards fiscal responsibility. Bill C-45, allowing ordinary band members to vote in referendums over real estate decisions, opens the door to democracy on reserves, just a crack. Both are pitifully small increments. The real problem is the Indian Industry — the mass of chiefs, lawyers and consultants that profit off Indians’ misery. Only an Indian Affairs minister with patience, toughness, credibility and the prime minister’s trust could drain that swamp and bring freedom and prosperity to ordinary Indians.
There is such a man, though he will surely rue the suggestion: Jason Kenney, the minister who took five years to fix the second-most corrupt, red-taped, broken, wasteful department in Canada: Immigration.
Kenney didn’t listen to the Immigration Industry — the cousin of the Indian Industry that preyed instead on vulnerable immigrants and profited off a confusing and complex and slow system. He ignored them, and changed the law to fix it.
He found those bureaucrats in Ottawa who wanted to actually solve problems, not to live off those problems.
Kenney’s work in immigration is done. Indian Affairs needs a man who will stare down the entrenched interests. Someone who can respect the cultural authority and traditions of Indian bands, but can fuse them into Canada — to make them Canadian first.
And Indian bands need a champion of their own — from one of their own. Someone on the ground, going band to band, who will seek to reform the corrupted, dependent, extremist political culture that has calcified once-proud and independent bands.
Alas, for that quest, I know of no name.
By ,Parliamentary Bureau
The Theresa Spence hunger strike, Idle No More movement and associated demonstrations have revealed a worryingly deep streak of utopian militancy among Canadian Aboriginals. Their cosmic demands and ominous rhetoric are both driven by ideas that must be digested sympathetically, then rejected with courteous, but absolute firmness.
Last Thursday, Derek Nepinak, Grand Chief of the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs, warned, “The Idle No More movement has the people, it has the people and the numbers that can bring the Canadian economy to its knees.
“… We have the warriors that are standing up now that are willing to go that far. So we’re not here to make requests. We’re here to demand attention and to demand an end to 140 years of colonial rule.”
It’s tempting to brush it off. But Nepinak is not an idiot. An outstanding student and athlete in his youth, he got the Pine Creek First Nation out of a deep financial hole before his peers chose him for higher office. He speaks for far too many Aboriginals. And his threat to cripple Canada’s economy is far from idle.
Here I strongly recommend retired colonel Doug Bland’s Uprising (which my wife and I helped edit), a scarily plausible novel about a militant Aboriginal attack on Canada’s transportation and energy infrastructure. Cooler heads must prevail, because anything resembling Bland’s scenario would be a disaster for all Canadians, Aboriginal and otherwise. But Nepinak’s logic points that way.
Especially given his demand for “an end to 140 years of colonial rule.”
It sounds ludicrously vague, but people’s words reflect their thinking. And the reason so many Aboriginals have been demanding the governor general attend their meeting with Stephen Harper is not that they misunderstand the role of the Crown within Canada.
It’s that, in Theresa Spence’s words, “It was the Crown that we made the treaty with, not prime minister. They’re the keepers.”
When Aboriginal leaders describe their relationship to Canada as “nation to nation,” they mean it literally. They believe their ancestors signed treaties with the British Crown to live peacefully side by side with what later became the nation of Canada but separately from it.
They believe “Canada” has violated those treaties not in technical ways like underfunding schools but by invading them. And they think the Queen can, and can be persuaded to, order the Canadian government to back off and leave them alone on much of what we think of as “Canada.” Ever since the settlement of Canada by Europeans became an overwhelming reality for Aboriginals, this dream has been repeated around campfires and kitchen stoves. Huge numbers of them really believe it.
It’s tempting to ask where such people think residents of, say, Attawapiskat will get food, clothing or fuel if they “bring the Canadian economy to its knees.”
But we’re liable to get back the fantasy of living like the ancestors: Nepinak’s own online biography characteristically includes that as a child, he “observed his great grandparents living the ways of his people; hunting, fishing, gardening, smoking fish, tanning moose hides and other traditional activities.”
As if you could feed and clothe some 300,000 Aboriginals now living on reserves with flint arrows and hand-plaited nets.But this is a side issue. The key point is the British Crown will not order the white man to go away, taking every other non-Aboriginal race with him, and if it did, we wouldn’t go. There is no need to be rude, but we must be absolutely clear about it because, for far too many Aboriginals, it is the only thing that will satisfy them.