Dear Readers:
The Mrs. Herself and I watched Dirty Rotten scoundrels again last night and I have to tell ya ……………, I don’t like Steve Martin.
As a matter of fact, I don’t even ‘get’ Steve Martin!
Now don’t get me wrong folks, Steve is adored by millions of fans and I hear that he is smart as a whip, it’s just that his particular brand of humour doesn’t appeal to me!
NO, That’s a lie!
That bullshit with “King Tut,” and “EXCUSE ME!” and his stuff on the banjo, (or just about anything else he does) is juvenile, stupid, sophomoric, infantile, crass and mindless. (PLUS, attempting to do a remake of ‘The Pink Panther’ was an ill-conceived ego-trip that failed miserably!)
I just don’t GET IT, kids!
For some strange reason…………………….., THIS SCENE is just about the funniest thing I have ever watched!
AS A MATTER OF FACT, the only thing I have ever seen that is funnier is this ‘toilet paper’ bit from the movie “The Party!”
(Steve Martin take note!)
Fans of Canadian pop star Justin Bieber are trying to figure out what to make of a message on Twitter in which the Ontario native said he was retiring. Bieber followed up his tweet “My fellow beliebers, I’m officially retiring” with a message to his fans that included a promise he would “never leave” them. The tweets came on the eve of the Christmas Day release of Bieber’s movie “Believe.”
IS IT JUST ME………………………… or is something really wrong here!
The Mrs. Herself and I watched Dirty Rotten scoundrels again last night and I have to tell ya ……………, I don’t like Steve Martin.
As a matter of fact, I don’t even ‘get’ Steve Martin!
Now don’t get me wrong folks, Steve is adored by millions of fans and I hear that he is smart as a whip, it’s just that his particular brand of humour doesn’t appeal to me!
NO, That’s a lie!
That bullshit with “King Tut,” and “EXCUSE ME!” and his stuff on the banjo, (or just about anything else he does) is juvenile, stupid, sophomoric, infantile, crass and mindless. (PLUS, attempting to do a remake of ‘The Pink Panther’ was an ill-conceived ego-trip that failed miserably!)
I just don’t GET IT, kids!
For some strange reason…………………….., THIS SCENE is just about the funniest thing I have ever watched!
AS A MATTER OF FACT, the only thing I have ever seen that is funnier is this ‘toilet paper’ bit from the movie “The Party!”
(Steve Martin take note!)
Fans of Canadian pop star Justin Bieber are trying to figure out what to make of a message on Twitter in which the Ontario native said he was retiring. Bieber followed up his tweet “My fellow beliebers, I’m officially retiring” with a message to his fans that included a promise he would “never leave” them. The tweets came on the eve of the Christmas Day release of Bieber’s movie “Believe.”
IS IT JUST ME………………………… or is something really wrong here!
Amid the women in lacy wedding veils and the men in spiffy suits at the county clerk’s office was Peter Brownstein. He’d replaced the blue neckerchief of his Scoutmaster’s uniform with one in the colors of the rainbow, the colors of gay pride. He carried boxes of hot pepperoni and cheese pizzas in his arms. And by his side, he had his son Michael, a 14-year-old Eagle Scout.
Brownstein, 52, had gone down to the Salt Lake City office to bear witness to a marriage. What he found Monday morning was a line that snaked along halls on two floors of the building. Gay couples had rushed in to tie the knot after a district judge struck down Utah’s ban on same-sex marriage. Mayor Ralph Becker called it a “thrilling pandemonium.”
That they performed this task dressed in their Scout uniforms immediately drew attention. Cell-phone photos went off to Twitter and Facebook. Comments like this got posted on blogs:
“Utah. Boy scouts. Delivering pizzas. To support. Gay marriage. The. End.” Joanna Brooks wrote those words in the online Religion Dispatches.
Yes, this was conservative Utah, the epicenter of Mormonism. Yes, Brownstein was affiliated with the Scouts, an organization that has been mired in controversy over its policies on homosexuality and earlier this year voted to allow openly gay youths to join. The vote caused an uproar among conservative and some religious organizations that argued the change would dilute the Scout message of morality.
Brownstein is no stranger to any of that controversy.
As leader of Boy Scout Troop 351, he’s long advocated for the Scouts to accept all boys and men into the organization. He was reprimanded last June for participating in full uniform in the Utah pride parade in Salt Lake City.
Folks, I’m starting to think the LGBT community is as underhanded and devious as Scientologists when it comes to pushing their agenda!
There’s nothing they won’t do!
Say what you will kids, I don’t think Gays should be promoting Scouting, AND I DON’T THINK SCOUTMASTERS SHOULD BE GAY!
But then again, if that was strictly enforced…………………………, there might not be many Scoutmasters left, eh!)
Peter Brownstein, (A well known Gay activist) and his son, deliver pizzas at the county clerk’s office in Salt Lake City. (He later wore a rainbow kerchief!)
While we’re on the subject of gays!
They say there’s nothing like an old fool …………….., except maybe an old, gay and religious fool.
Rev. Bryant Badger, 75, a retired Pastor, was charged with trying to have sex with an undercover cop in his SUV over the holidays!
(It’s the way he did it that was noteworthy, folks!)
He put up a note in a public washroom in a city park ………………, and then parked right in front!
That’s right, the note said to go to the SUV parked out front!
(Bryant was looking for a blow-job ……………………, but he ended up getting fucked!)
Here’s one for the books, boys and girls!
We have “time shifting” on our cable TV package, and can watch shows and news programs from out West. I was looking at a Newscast from Winnipeg yesterday, and they were reporting on the ice-storm and snow here in Ontario, Quebec and the Maritimes.
The only reason they were reporting it was because ………………………, they were wondering what all the fuss was about!
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