Dear Readers: I wrote a letter to Jian Ghomeshi of the CBC radio program “Q” today!
You were talking about IKEA on the program this morning and mentioned that the company had a gay couple in their advertising, but dropped it on the Russian version.
You then went on to question whether this was a good decision or not, or something to that effect, and I would like to reply to your commentary!
If IKEA makes a decision to drop the gay couple from their Russian advertising, that is a pure business decision, and I cannot fault them in any way for that!
However, to question whether that should have been done, OR NOT, is just another attempt by the left wing, politically correct media to push the gay agenda and force companies like IKEA to toe the line.
Allan W janssen
A provincial politician in Nova Scotia has deleted a
photo of himself sitting on the lap of a blackface Christmas character
from his Twitter account.
Liberal Joachim Stroink tweeted the photo of himself and his wife at a Dutch Christmas event Sunday in Halifax.
The picture showed a smiling Stroink sitting on the lap of Zwarte Piet, or “Black Pete,” a Dutch character who has been at the centre of debate in the Netherlands.
(Your reporter is from that part of the world, and they don’t quite
have their facts straight! “Black Peter” is indeed covered in chimney
soot ……………….. that’s because he scrambles down chimneys to give a lump of coal to the bad boys and girls! Anyone who says this is offensive should be given a lump of coal from Black Peters sack!)
Stroink issued a statement on his Facebook page today, saying that ignoring the character would be to disavow his Dutch heritage but that he welcomed the discussion over the controversial image.
Liberal Party spokesman Kyley Harris says the image showed an error in judgment and should not have been posted.
One lump of coal for Kyle Harris!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(By the way, Stroink, who was elected for the first time in the provincial election in October, says on his site that he grew up celebrating Zwarte Piet and did not intend to offend anyone!)
Will Ferrell, wearing his trademark Ron Burgundy moustache
and “Anchorman” outfit, helped open the Canadian Curling trials Sunday.
He even tried his luck on the ice and donned a kilt to the delight of
fans. In speaking with reporters, he said the name Winnipeg was Latin
for the small tundra bunny who lives in the hole on the hill.
As for curling jargon, Ferrell said he knows what “hurry hard” means, but uses it mostly when he’s stuck in traffic to get the driver in front to start moving.
Ferrell is promoting “Anchorman 2,” set for release before Christmas. He was part of the TSN coverage for the opening draw, with eight women’s teams vying for an Olympic berth.
Speaking of MOVIES! Your entertaining reporter went to see “THOR” on the weekend to an almost empty theatre ……………, which made me think I should have gone to see “Hunger Games” instead!
(If there were any tickets left!)
BACK UP THE TRUCK, BOYS …………………………………,!
If you saw “60 Minutes” last night you would have seen THIS!
If next-day delivery just isn’t fast enough, Amazon
may one day have a quicker (and more sci-fi) alternative for your online
shopping needs: Drones that can transport packages from the retail giant’s warehouse to your front door in 30 minutes or less.
Amazon founder Jeff Bezos discussed the idea of using drones to deliver goods to customers in an interview Sunday night (Dec. 1) on “60 Minutes.” The futuristic same-day delivery system, dubbed Prime Air, will consist of so-called octocopters that can airlift packages that weigh up to five pounds to any destination within a 10-mile radius of an Amazon warehouse, reported Bloomberg News. “I know this looks like science fiction,” Bezos said in the interview, according to the New York Times. “It’s not.”
NO, NO, NO FOLKS! they got it all wrong.
They should be used for delivering PIZZA!
(And remember ………………….., ya heard it here first …………………, so if they do, I want a cut! Not a slice….., a cut!)
A new, improved sequencing of ancient human relative genomes reveals that Homo sapiens didn’t only have sex with Neanderthals and a little-understood line of humans called Denisovans. A fourth, mystery lineage of humans was in the mix, too.
As reported by the news arm of the journal Nature,
new genetic evidence suggests that several hominids — human relatives
closer than humans’ current living cousin, the chimpanzee — interbred
more than 30,000 years ago. This group of kissing cousins included an
unknown human ancestor not yet revealed by the ancient DNA record.
“It’s implied it could be something like Homo erectus or similar,” said Carles Lalueza-Fox, a paleogenomics researcher at Pompeu Fabra University in Spain, who was not involved in the research, but who was present at a talk on the findings given by lead author David Reich of Harvard Medical School at a meeting on ancient DNA sponsored by the Royal Society in London on Nov. 18. Homo erectus is an extinct species of human that originated in India and spread into Asia. [See Images of Our Closest Human Ancestor]
Denisovans are a far more mysterious group. These early humans lived in Siberia and probably split off from the branch of the human family tree that would eventually give rise to Neanderthals about 300,000 years ago. Little is known about how Denisovans lived and what they looked like.
But genetic analyses of Neanderthals, Denisovans and modern humans suggest the three groups occasionally had sex and produced offspring. Denisovan genes show up in modern Pacific Islanders and in people from Southeast Asia and southern China. Neanderthal genes appear in 1 to 4 percent of modern Eurasian people, suggesting that Homo sapiens and Neanderthals interbred after modern humans trekked out of Africa.
For unknown reasons, Homo sapiens are the only human survivors, as all others in the Homo genus eventually went extinct.
According to emergency personnel, early estimates indicate that more than 42 million Americans were killed this past weekend in what is now believed to be the bloodiest Black Friday shopping event in history.
responders reporting from retail stores all across the nation said the
record-breaking post-Thanksgiving shopping spree carnage began as early
as midnight on Friday, when 13 million shoppers were reportedly
trampled, pummeled, burned, stabbed, shot, lanced, and brutally beaten
to death while attempting to participate in early holiday sales events.
Law enforcement officials said the bloodbath only escalated throughout the weekend as hordes of savage holiday shoppers began murdering customers at Wal-Mart, Sears, and JCPenney locations nationwide, leaving piles of dismembered and mutilated corpses in their wake.
You were talking about IKEA on the program this morning and mentioned that the company had a gay couple in their advertising, but dropped it on the Russian version.
You then went on to question whether this was a good decision or not, or something to that effect, and I would like to reply to your commentary!
If IKEA makes a decision to drop the gay couple from their Russian advertising, that is a pure business decision, and I cannot fault them in any way for that!
However, to question whether that should have been done, OR NOT, is just another attempt by the left wing, politically correct media to push the gay agenda and force companies like IKEA to toe the line.
Allan W janssen
The picture showed a smiling Stroink sitting on the lap of Zwarte Piet, or “Black Pete,” a Dutch character who has been at the centre of debate in the Netherlands.
A traditional song refers to the character as a
“servant” to the elderly St. Nicholas, and he is black from chimney soot
as he scrambles down to deliver [toys and sweets] for children who
leave their shoes out overnight.
Stroink issued a statement on his Facebook page today, saying that ignoring the character would be to disavow his Dutch heritage but that he welcomed the discussion over the controversial image.
Liberal Party spokesman Kyley Harris says the image showed an error in judgment and should not have been posted.
One lump of coal for Kyle Harris!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(By the way, Stroink, who was elected for the first time in the provincial election in October, says on his site that he grew up celebrating Zwarte Piet and did not intend to offend anyone!)
As for curling jargon, Ferrell said he knows what “hurry hard” means, but uses it mostly when he’s stuck in traffic to get the driver in front to start moving.
Ferrell is promoting “Anchorman 2,” set for release before Christmas. He was part of the TSN coverage for the opening draw, with eight women’s teams vying for an Olympic berth.
Speaking of MOVIES! Your entertaining reporter went to see “THOR” on the weekend to an almost empty theatre ……………, which made me think I should have gone to see “Hunger Games” instead!
(If there were any tickets left!)
BACK UP THE TRUCK, BOYS …………………………………,!
If you saw “60 Minutes” last night you would have seen THIS!
Amazon founder Jeff Bezos discussed the idea of using drones to deliver goods to customers in an interview Sunday night (Dec. 1) on “60 Minutes.” The futuristic same-day delivery system, dubbed Prime Air, will consist of so-called octocopters that can airlift packages that weigh up to five pounds to any destination within a 10-mile radius of an Amazon warehouse, reported Bloomberg News. “I know this looks like science fiction,” Bezos said in the interview, according to the New York Times. “It’s not.”
They should be used for delivering PIZZA!
(And remember ………………….., ya heard it here first …………………, so if they do, I want a cut! Not a slice….., a cut!)
A new, improved sequencing of ancient human relative genomes reveals that Homo sapiens didn’t only have sex with Neanderthals and a little-understood line of humans called Denisovans. A fourth, mystery lineage of humans was in the mix, too.
“It’s implied it could be something like Homo erectus or similar,” said Carles Lalueza-Fox, a paleogenomics researcher at Pompeu Fabra University in Spain, who was not involved in the research, but who was present at a talk on the findings given by lead author David Reich of Harvard Medical School at a meeting on ancient DNA sponsored by the Royal Society in London on Nov. 18. Homo erectus is an extinct species of human that originated in India and spread into Asia. [See Images of Our Closest Human Ancestor]
Denisovans are a far more mysterious group. These early humans lived in Siberia and probably split off from the branch of the human family tree that would eventually give rise to Neanderthals about 300,000 years ago. Little is known about how Denisovans lived and what they looked like.
But genetic analyses of Neanderthals, Denisovans and modern humans suggest the three groups occasionally had sex and produced offspring. Denisovan genes show up in modern Pacific Islanders and in people from Southeast Asia and southern China. Neanderthal genes appear in 1 to 4 percent of modern Eurasian people, suggesting that Homo sapiens and Neanderthals interbred after modern humans trekked out of Africa.
For unknown reasons, Homo sapiens are the only human survivors, as all others in the Homo genus eventually went extinct.
According to emergency personnel, early estimates indicate that more than 42 million Americans were killed this past weekend in what is now believed to be the bloodiest Black Friday shopping event in history.
Law enforcement officials said the bloodbath only escalated throughout the weekend as hordes of savage holiday shoppers began murdering customers at Wal-Mart, Sears, and JCPenney locations nationwide, leaving piles of dismembered and mutilated corpses in their wake.
For $2,000, you can live like a homeless person.
That’s what 62-year-old Mike Momany, who himself is homeless in Seattle, hopes people will do.
After working as a contract programmer for years, he got into
financial trouble when business slowed, and he has been experimenting
with new ways of making money ever since. One plan is to launch a
marijuana tour that would show people around local pot-growing
operations, which have recently become legal in Washington state.
But for now, he is offering a three-day tour that he calls a “private course in Applied Homelessness.”
Upset by the growing homeless population in Seattle, which has shot up by 15% since 2007, to more than 9,000 people this year who are living in shelters or on the streets, Momany claims he wants to get people thinking about new ways to solve homelessness. But he wants to make a business of it, too.
Each tour costs $2,000. Momany says his take is $1,500 (for an hourly rate of $19.76). The rest — about $500 — will be donated to shelters and pay for expenses, like the clothes his clients will wear to blend in.
No “Asshole of the Day” today kids, but boy, do we have a doozy “Loser of the Day” for ya!
Sitting beneath about four feet of garbage in
an area of a Welsh landfill the size of a football field sits a
fortune—in the form of a computer hard drive that James Howells threw
out this summer while cleaning up his workspace. On it: the
cryptographic “private key” he needs to access 7,500 Bitcoins. And since
the digital currency hit a major milestone yesterday, with a single coin now worth more than $1,000 on the most popular exchange,
that tossed hard drive is worth more than $7.5 million. Unfortunately,
Howells doesn’t have a firm sense of when he sent it to its resting
place in the Docksway landfill near Newport, Wales, though he’s been
racking his brain since Friday, when he realized his error: “between
June 20 and Aug. 10. Probably mid-July” is the best he can come up with.
Read more:
What a busy few days up in space!
India is going to the moon, and China is on the way to Mars………………………………….., or China is on the moon and India is going to Mars, I can’t remember which!
That’s what 62-year-old Mike Momany, who himself is homeless in Seattle, hopes people will do.
But for now, he is offering a three-day tour that he calls a “private course in Applied Homelessness.”
Upset by the growing homeless population in Seattle, which has shot up by 15% since 2007, to more than 9,000 people this year who are living in shelters or on the streets, Momany claims he wants to get people thinking about new ways to solve homelessness. But he wants to make a business of it, too.
Each tour costs $2,000. Momany says his take is $1,500 (for an hourly rate of $19.76). The rest — about $500 — will be donated to shelters and pay for expenses, like the clothes his clients will wear to blend in.
No one has signed up for a tour yet, but he says he’s in talks with a few interested parties.———————————————–
No “Asshole of the Day” today kids, but boy, do we have a doozy “Loser of the Day” for ya!
What a busy few days up in space!
India is going to the moon, and China is on the way to Mars………………………………….., or China is on the moon and India is going to Mars, I can’t remember which!
Space Exploration Technologies, also known as SpaceX, plans to try again today to launch its first commercial communications satellite after its Falcon 9 rocket was twice sidelined by technical issues, officials said.
Liftoff of the Falcon 9 rocket and a 3.5-ton (3,175 kg) communications satellite owned by Luxembourg-based SES S.A. was targeted for 5:41 p.m. EST (2241 GMT) from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida.
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