Look bunky, it’s plain and simple!
If ya want to check if there is someone in the house that’s in tro0uble, you either walk up to the door, or float up in a boat, AND THEN YA KNOCK!
If no one answers, you can look in the windows ……………., or use a bullhorn to call out for signs of life!
The moment you break down front door it’s called B and E, and if you search the house and take stuff (like guns) THAT’S CALLED LOOTING, boys and girls!
When are we going to call it for what it is!
Dear Readers: Don’t get old!
The older ya get the more you will fall behind!
Your “hip” and “with it”reporter got rid of his “MySpace” account quite a while ago …………., and I now have a “Facebook” page, a “Google” page, a ‘Linked In” link, I “Digg It” and I “Reddit,” (although not as much anymore) I have another blog on “Blogger” and I even twitter now and then!
Seems I just can’t keep up with the times anymore folks!
Two other sites that I have heard about, but didn’t really pay attention to have made the news in the past few months!
Both of these sites were flying under my radar ………….., which just
proves that I am being left behind as far as being relevant in this day
and age goes!
Federal Liberals have voted in favour of legalizing assisted suicide…………………….., but whether Leader Justin Trudeau will run with the idea is still a mystery!
(Now, now folks, I meant “will Trudeau support the legislation” NOT “will he commit suicide himself!)
Maria von Trapp sang “Goodbye, farewell!” for the last time yesterday. She was 99!
A man and a woman who were detained in January after allegedly committing a sexual act on an Air Canada plane are now facing more charges.
Jason Chase, 38, and Alicia Lander, 24, are now both facing a charge of committing an indecent act.
The sexual act allegedly happened during the flight and the pair was stopped by officers after arriving at Halifax Stanfield International Airport.
In addition, Lander is facing charges of causing a disturbance, assaulting a police officer and mischief. The RCMP told CBC that after Lander was arrested, she was verbally abusive and kicked officers.
(Alicia Lander plans to pleas “not guilty” when she goes to court, but Jason Chase said he will plead “INSANITY!” Said Chase: “I’m just crazy about that girl!”)

If ya want to check if there is someone in the house that’s in tro0uble, you either walk up to the door, or float up in a boat, AND THEN YA KNOCK!
If no one answers, you can look in the windows ……………., or use a bullhorn to call out for signs of life!
The moment you break down front door it’s called B and E, and if you search the house and take stuff (like guns) THAT’S CALLED LOOTING, boys and girls!
When are we going to call it for what it is!
Dear Readers: Don’t get old!
The older ya get the more you will fall behind!
Your “hip” and “with it”reporter got rid of his “MySpace” account quite a while ago …………., and I now have a “Facebook” page, a “Google” page, a ‘Linked In” link, I “Digg It” and I “Reddit,” (although not as much anymore) I have another blog on “Blogger” and I even twitter now and then!
Seems I just can’t keep up with the times anymore folks!
Two other sites that I have heard about, but didn’t really pay attention to have made the news in the past few months!
WhatsApp Messenger is a proprietary, cross-platform instant messaging subscription service for smartphones.
In addition to text messaging, users can send each other images, video,
and audio media messages as well as their location using integrated
mapping features. The client software is available for Google Android, BlackBerry OS, Apple iOS, selected Nokia Series 40, Symbian, selected Nokia Asha platform, Microsoft Windows Phone and BlackBerry 10. WhatsApp Inc. was founded in 2009 by Americans Brian Acton and Jan Koum (also the CEO), both former employees of Yahoo!, and is based in Mountain View, California. (WhatsApp just sold to Facebook for 19 BILLION dollars!)
Pinterest is a visual discovery tool that
people use to collect ideas for their different projects and interests.
People create and share collections (called “boards”) of visual
bookmarks (called “Pins”) that they use to do things like plan trips and
projects, organize events or save articles and recipes. The site was
founded by Ben Silbermann,
Paul Sciarra and Evan Sharp. It is managed by Cold Brew Labs and funded
by a small group of entrepreneurs and investors. (Pinterest is now
valued at 5 billion dollars!)
Federal Liberals have voted in favour of legalizing assisted suicide…………………….., but whether Leader Justin Trudeau will run with the idea is still a mystery!
(Now, now folks, I meant “will Trudeau support the legislation” NOT “will he commit suicide himself!)
Maria von Trapp sang “Goodbye, farewell!” for the last time yesterday. She was 99!
A man and a woman who were detained in January after allegedly committing a sexual act on an Air Canada plane are now facing more charges.
Jason Chase, 38, and Alicia Lander, 24, are now both facing a charge of committing an indecent act.
The sexual act allegedly happened during the flight and the pair was stopped by officers after arriving at Halifax Stanfield International Airport.
In addition, Lander is facing charges of causing a disturbance, assaulting a police officer and mischief. The RCMP told CBC that after Lander was arrested, she was verbally abusive and kicked officers.
(Alicia Lander plans to pleas “not guilty” when she goes to court, but Jason Chase said he will plead “INSANITY!” Said Chase: “I’m just crazy about that girl!”)
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