When Don the Con Trumplethinskin was first elected there were a bunch of people who wondered what he was going to do when he faced his first real crisis.
So what did Drumpf do, you ask?
Why he spent the weekend tweeting about the NFL players!
Remember kids, in business terms that 'The Donald' would understand: "Ya get what you pay for!"
OH, AND BY THE WAY: Remember when the Drumpf campaign went on and on about Benghazi and Hillary's e-mail?
Well don't cha know that there was nothing going on with Benghazi because it was all smoke and mirrors and false accusations (Yes I know there was that government guy who got killed, but it had nothing to do with Hillary!)
AS FOR THE E-MAIL!!!! That was also a big deal according to the Republicans, but it was just an excuse to shout "lock her up" when she hadn't done anything illegal at all. (They just said it was and a lot of people believed them.)
WELL, We now find out that everyone around 'The Donald' was using private e-mail servers to conduct government business. (Jared Kushner, the two Trump boys, Ivanka Trump, Paul Manafort, etc. etc.)
Talk about the kettle calling the pot black folks!
The way I see it anyway!
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