The left-wing is crazy and the right-wing scares the shit out of me!

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Tuesday, 17 October 2017

Be careful what you wish for!

Dear Friends: "Let's get things back into perspective here!"

This is a lesson in greed and self-serving shortsightedness that not only applies to Boeing Aircraft in Seattle, but to the U.S. Government as well.

Image result for airplane clipartA Canadian aircraft manufacturer called Bombardier (They started out inventing the ski-doo, then got into buses, subways and trains, and eventually airplanes) developed a mid sized jet that showed great promise for the medium haul markets.

Enter Boeing Aircraft who didn't have a plane in that segment of the market yet ...., but resented Bombardier selling United Airlines a bunch of these "C" series jets, so they put in a complaint with the U. S. Trade Department, and with a bit of arm twisting, and encouragement from Drumpf,  got a trade barrier of 220% against these airplanes.

To get back at Boeing, Canada cancelled an order for 5 billion dollars worth of CF-18A Super Hornets, and that's where things stood until yesterday!

Now there's word that Bombardier  is going partners with Europe's 'Airbus' to sell the "C' series plane around the world.

Seems like Boeing and The U. S. government cut off their noses to spit their faces ....., and Boeing is still out 5 billion bucks for a bunch of Super Hornets.

Serves them right!

The way I see it anyway!

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