The left-wing is crazy and the right-wing scares the shit out of me!

Allan's Perspective is NOT recommended for the politically correct, or the overly religious. Some people have opinions. Some people have convictions......... What we offer is PERSPECTIVE!

Thursday 7 December 2017

Kids are people too!

Hey kids, remember when Kim Jong Un (The leader of North Korea) had to bail his brother (Kim Jong Nam) out of jail for attempting to enter Japan illegally so he could take his family to  Disneyland?
Things went bad for Kim Jong Nam when he was detained at Narita International Airport in Tokyo. The charge: traveling with a fraudulent passport. Specifically, he attempted to pass himself off as a Dominican named Pang Xiong (which translates as "Fat Bear" in Chinese). Japanese authorities, who know a fake Dominican when they see one, deported the heir apparent of North Korea to China. (Kim Jong Nam and his immediate family were attempting to visit Tokyo Disneyland.)
(Now before we go any further I should remind you that Kim Jung Un had his brother assassinated in Malaysia as punishment for this embarrassment, much the same as he blew his uncle's guts out with a cannon for some stupid thing or other!)

Anyway, back to the story: Kim the Un is now preparing the Korean population for war with the U.S., but to show he does have a soft side the government is issuing these gas masks for kids as a tribute to his dead brother!

Yup, just another day in Paradise folks!
The way I see it anyway!

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