The left-wing is crazy and the right-wing scares the shit out of me!

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Thursday 26 April 2018

Oviously masturbation wasn't the answer!

Dear Friends: I had a few quiet moments today and started thinking about Alek Minassian, who targeted women in his rampage down Yonge St. in his van in Toronto on Monday!

Apparently Alex called himself an "Incel" because he kept striking out with the ladies and this eventually drove him into fits of murderous rage! (Incel" or "involuntarily celibate," is a term used by men who claim they have been denied their right to experience sex with women,)

Whatever was behind his frustration with the opposite sex, it must have been eating away at him for quite some time to show itself in this murderous way.

Now I'm no expert on human psychology folks, (being from Rigel myself)   but it seems to me that all this heartache and misery could have been avoided if only someone had taken the time to help get Alex laid once in a while! (And some good psychiatric help!)

The way I see it anyway!


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