The left-wing is crazy and the right-wing scares the shit out of me!

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Wednesday 19 September 2018

A few thoughts on Judge Kavanaugh!

Dear Friends: First of all I must explain that I don't like Brett Kavanaugh.

Aside from the fact that he is anti-abortion and a lot of the other stuff Republicans are likely to go ga-ga over....... he was also picked by Drumpf because he will be a safety valve if they ever manage to impeach the President. (Donald ain't that stupid after all!)

BUT, much as I hate to say it, this whole thing with Dr. Christine Ford's allegations of attempted rape back in high school should not enter into any deliberations about his fitness to sit on the Supreme Court.

Here's the reasons:

1. A seventeen year-old high school student at a binge drinking party (with possible blackouts) about forty years ago  is not the same person as a sober 25 year old would be........ let alone a middle aged Judge!

2. With apologies to Dr. Ford it would be impossible to figure out what the real story is! (If I was taking odds I would go with Dr. Ford......., but not beyond a reasonable doubt.)

3. There are just far to many people making political hay out of this story for it to carry the weight it deserves!

4. The timing of the accusations is suspect.

Taking all this into consideration I would still like to see Kavanaugh get the boot....... just not for this  reason!

Image result for the judge gets the boot clipart

P.S. Just so we're clear... the evidence stated by Dr Ford is almost overwhelmingly true but you can't judge a middle-aged judge and hold him responsible for what happened when he was a juvenile at a drunken high school house party.

They're two different people.

The way I see it anyway!

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