The left-wing is crazy and the right-wing scares the shit out of me!

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Monday 17 September 2018

The Democrats get-even tactic!

Dear Friends: Just a bit of idle speculation about the troubles with that Supreme Court nomination down in the States.Personally, your humble reporter has a problem with that Brett Kavanaugh guy because Drumpf chose him as a safety valve in case things got rank! (Which they will.)

On top of that I'm still pissed about the way the Republicans refused to confirm Merrick Garland back in 2016 even though both the Democrats and most Republicans thought he would make an excellent choice! (This was dirty politics as only the Republicans know how!)

Here's my plan: 
It looks like Kavanaugh won't get approved because of that stunt he pulled back in high school, so by the time the Republicans nominate somebody else the mid-terms will be over and then the Democrats will be in control and they can refuse to confirm anyone the GOP puts forward (tit for tat) until the election in 2020...................... AND THEN THEY CAN NOMINATE MERRICK GARLAND AGAIN!

The way I see it anyway!
Image result for judge clipart

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