The left-wing is crazy and the right-wing scares the shit out of me!

Allan's Perspective is NOT recommended for the politically correct, or the overly religious. Some people have opinions. Some people have convictions......... What we offer is PERSPECTIVE!

Saturday 13 October 2018

Libertarians Unite!

Dear Friends: There used to be a time in the United States where ethnicity played such a big part in society that a common question was "would you let your son/daughter marry someone of a different race or colour" .........but that has been replaced recently with over 60% of people not wanting their son or daughter to marry someone of a different political party!

Yes boys and girls, political polarization is replacing racism as a new means of discrimination amongst the public in the U.S. of A. and the only way to cure this is with the rise of a third party to split the die-hards of the left and right! (With Canada as an example the NDP plays this role between the Liberals and Conservatives by giving people more options in choosing their poison, and this seems to moderate everyone across the political spectrum....... and temper the fanatics on the edges.)

This is the main reason why the Libertarian Party must insert itself into politics on all levels of government in "Uh-merica"................ to weed out the radicals and kooks!

The way I see it anyway!

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