The left-wing is crazy and the right-wing scares the shit out of me!

Allan's Perspective is NOT recommended for the politically correct, or the overly religious. Some people have opinions. Some people have convictions......... What we offer is PERSPECTIVE!

Friday 26 October 2018

Live long and prosper!

Dear Friends: For the past few weeks I have been writing this blog from the London Regional Cancer Centre (LHSC / LRCC) since my wife is getting daily doses of radiotherapy there for her Lymphoma! (She went through a whole regimen of chemo-therapy and is now in remission....., but they want to spray that lump of scar tissue in her abdomen with radiation just in case there are some live little bastards still floating around in there!)

They have an unusual custom here where every time someone finishes their series of x-ray treatments they get to ring a giant gong and the whole room claps and wishes them well! (Between some of the weird people mixed in with the normal looking souls around here I keep thinking we are part of "The Gong Show" every time that 'boing' echoes through the room!)

Outside of St. Margaret's hospital in Toronto this is the most advanced and up to date cancer center in Canada........ was well as a world renown center for brain surgery and organ transplants, so it's fortunate we had to move here about twenty years ago when my wife's son needed a kidney transplant. I don't think we would have gotten this level of care anywhere else, and that includes my ten week stay at this hospital back in 2015 when I had case of double pneumonia that went bad on me..... so this place has saved three of us in this family and holds a special place in my heart! (And lungs.)

Live long and prosper!
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