The left-wing is crazy and the right-wing scares the shit out of me!

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Monday 21 October 2019

Hillary Clinton Finally Exonerated!

Dear friends:

Here it is Monday the 21st day of October 2019 and I just found out that the right-wing media have stated on all their publications that after four years of intense investigations and accusations Hillary Clinton was found to have done absolutely NOTHING wrong before the 2016 election........ or since! (By the way, this admission was on all the back pages!)

No illegal mail servers....... or 30,000 pieces of classified mail......., no Benghazi......, no child sex slaves in the basement of a pizza parlour..........., no life-threatening illnesses during the campaign......... no murder of Clinton associate Vince Foster...... no Whitewater and no bullying of her husband's mistresses (This was brought forward from husband Bill's tenure as President)......  no illegal donations to the Clinton Foundation...... no flood of Syrian refugees...... no jobs killed with her support of free trade deals...... no illegal paid speeches to Banks........ no flip-flopping on big government issues...... as a matter of fact......... ABSOLUTELY NOTHING Hillary Clinton did would qualify her to be LOCKED UP! ........Ever!

Nope, it turns out she was one of the best and most able candidates to ever run for President and everything negative about her was a hatchet job by the Republicans and the Right Wing media! 

So why is she being exonerated now you ask?

Because the Right Wing is starting to focus all their attention on the 2020 election folks! (They have already started with Joe Biden and his son in Ukraine!)

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