The left-wing is crazy and the right-wing scares the shit out of me!

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Tuesday, 10 March 2020

It's only logical.

Dear Friends:
As the coronavirus responsible for COVID-19 continues to spread around the world, lawmakers in the States suggest another measure to prevent the spread of disease.......... a Vulcan greeting. 
While handwashing and limiting exposure remain ideal ways to protect yourself and others from spreading illnesses like the flu or COVID-19, lawmakers and "Star Trek" fans alike have suggested that, instead of shaking hands, using the Vulcan greeting that Leonard Nimoy, who played Spock on the original series of the beloved franchise, famously devised.
At a closed-door meeting of the House Democratic caucus this morning the coronavirus was a major topic of discussion. The meeting included a discussion of how members could best prevent the spread of the virus. 
An attending physician at the meeting lightheartedly suggested that, instead of touching through greetings like handshakes, people could use the "live long and prosper sign," referring to the Vulcan greeting. 
After all...... It's only logical.
The way I see it anyway!

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