The left-wing is crazy and the right-wing scares the shit out of me!

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Thursday, 17 December 2020


 With the current state of polarization between the Democrats and Republicans... along with the far-left trying to bankrupt the country and the far-right trying to blow up democracy (among other things), it's about time for the Libertarian Party to get serious about the game. 

The United States needs three political parties to adjust the playing field.  

Instead of politics being played like a game of half-court pick-up basketball it is conducted more like a baseball game. (You don't want politics to look like hockey  or football for obvious reasons!)

If there is some billionaire that really wants to change the American political system for the better... then let him spend a billion or so to set up the Libertarian party at the Federal, State and local levels.

A third party would be an automatic damper against the extremes of one side or the other gaining power, as was the case with the Trump Republicans! (Even if they were more of a cult than a political party.)

The exact logistics of how it would work is up to the guy with the money but anything would be better than what ya got right now!

The way I see it anyway!

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