The left-wing is crazy and the right-wing scares the shit out of me!

Allan's Perspective is NOT recommended for the politically correct, or the overly religious. Some people have opinions. Some people have convictions......... What we offer is PERSPECTIVE!

Wednesday 18 March 2009

Never argue with an Arab if you have a small dick!

I was standing in the shower getting a good hot soak when my mind drifted back to the article I wrote a few days ago about Arab culture and how their world-view is different than that of us white Europeans.

On thing that sprang to mind was a time when I was having a heated discussion with an Arab guy I was working for at the time.

I didn't agree with the way he was treating our customers (He would screw them any way he could) and told him so!

Now before you get off on a tangent and tell me that was just the guy's morals and not Arabs in general, let me tell you that he bragged to me on several occasions about how he and his countrymen were masters of negotiation......., and honesty and principals were a hindrance!

As the debate got hotter and he tried to make his point in a forceful manner, I started to notice that he made more and more reference to the size of his dick, and went so far as to claim; "My dick is bigger than your entire head!"

At this point I lost it and fell on the floor laughing, but, it does go to show that you might think twice about getting into an argument with an Arab if you have a small Johnson!

Apparently size DOES matter!


-Allan; Is this serious, or just a stab at humor?
Sheryl O

Sheryl, If I'm lyin, I'm dyin'.
I swear every word of this story is true.
I used to be the Volkswagen Dealer in Sarnia and we had a reputation to uphold. Especially in a small town.
My Dad founded the company on good service and honest sales and that's how we ran it till the day we retired!
This guy, and his Arab buddies are used car dealers here in S.W. Ontario and God help anyone that buys a car from them.

Their ass will hurt for months!
They have set the reputation of used car salesman back years!

Not that they had a good reputation to begin with!
I can say this because as far as I know ya can't get sued for telling the truth!

-Allan: I'll show you mine and you can show me yours.

I'm not sure if I understand this article.

That could be because I'm half drunk now. But please, for one thing, are you speaking about Arabs or are you speaking about Muslims.

And do you mean all Arabs?

Individuals are funny. For instance, I know many Christians, so called, that say and do the same things.

By the way, I'd like to read your book. Send me a free copy; that is if your balls are big enough.
Clifford Colpitts

"I'm not sure if I understand this article." Cliff, the booze might have something to do with that eh!

Believe me, I speak from experience. Ernest Hemingway is my hero and I tried to emulate him for quite a few years.

On a serious note I mean Arabs, not Muslims. Arabs pride themselves on their bargaining prowess and I was serious when I said honesty and fair play have no part in it!

It's a cultural thing, not religious.

By the way, my balls are much bigger than your entire head, so I will send you a PDF copy of the book, just send me an e-mail address.

Allan W Janssen

-Allan; I've heard of this (well, not the dick thing, but the attitude towards "negotiation") before. Apparently, "haggling" is rather common in certain parts of the MidEast. It's expected that the asking price of something is up for negotiation. So you're supposed to haggle with the shopkeeper before buying something. And both the seller & the customer are each trying to get the better of the other.
Basically, the "winner" will be determined by if the customer wants/needs the product more than the seller wants/needs the amount of money that they're offered for it.
J.R. LeMar

Allan W Janssen is the author of the book The Plain Truth About God (What the mainstream religions don't want you to know......!) and is available as an E-Book H E R E ! and as a paperback H E R E !

Visit the blog "Perspective" at

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