The left-wing is crazy and the right-wing scares the shit out of me!

Allan's Perspective is NOT recommended for the politically correct, or the overly religious. Some people have opinions. Some people have convictions......... What we offer is PERSPECTIVE!

Saturday 21 March 2009

Russia ain't the problem kids!

I have said many times on this blog that; "History is written by the victors!"

But, it's not just history kids, it's common reporting of events that gets slanted and "spun" and messed with, everyday of our lives.

There seems to be a consensus that nothing can be hidden anymore after the advent of modern communication methods, since the whole world is now open to inspection and a "you can run, but ya can't hide" mentality.

But is it really?

In some cases do we really know more than the people of a century ago, who got their news a week after the fact.


The events of 9/11 are a good example of news that is immediate and cannot be suppressed.

But, some of the aftermath of 9/11 is just as hidden and subject to "spin doctors" as the stuff that was around before "Instant News!"

Take Russia as an example.

Whether you realize it or not the United States has not eased tension with the former Soviet Union as much as they claim, and the military is still painting them as the bad guys to justify their arms acquisitions and research.

Oh, there was a brief lull in the rhetoric between Russia and the States, but over the long run America has still held on to the position that Russia is the enemy and needs to be watched and controlled as much as possible.

FOR EXAMPLE; It wouldn't do to have the American people think of the Ruskies as good guys if we want to keep up a false sense of tension and distrust with those former communist bastards.

So, is it any wonder that none of us have heard of the Russian Monument to the victims of 9/11 that they put up for us over by the Statue of Liberty!!!!!!!

Gift from the people of Russia......."Monument to the struggle against world terrorism, artist Zurab Tesereteii" is an impressive memorial and statement against terrorism.

This is the "TEAR DROP" made and installed by the Russians to honor those who died in 9/11 and a statement against terrorism.

I had never heard of this before receiving it in today.

Why didn't the press report it?

It is very impressive.

The tear drop is lined up with the Statue of Liberty.

Names of the persons killed on 9/11 are inscribed on the base. A base like the Vietnam Memorial wall. It was a cold and windy day but well worth the drive to see. It is down in the shipping yards across from "The Lady".

Origins: The monument displayed in the above photographs, officially entitled "To the Struggle Against World Terrorism" (but also known as "The Memorial at Harbor View Park" or the "Tear Drop Memorial"), was dedicated at the northeast corner of Bayonne Peninsula in New Jersey on 11 September 2006, the fifth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on the United States.

The walkway is made of stones.

Zurab Tsereteli's inspiration was described this way in a brochure about the monument:

"To the Struggle Against World Terrorism" was conceived as the events of 9/11 unfolded and Russian artist Zurab Tsereteli walked the streets of Moscow.

Struck by the outpouring of grief he observed, a memorial with an image of a tear formed in his mind. Shortly after the attacks, Tsereteli visited ground zero and looked to New Jersey's waterfront for an appropriate site for a monument honoring victims of the World Trade Center terrorist attacks.

Bayonne was a fitting location; the city was an arrival point for many New York City evacuees on 9/11, a staging area for rescuers, and offered a direct view of the Statue of Liberty and the former World Trade Center towers.

A gift from Tsereteli and the Russian people, the memorial is made of steel sheathed in bronze. Standing 100 feet high.

It's center contains a jagged tear!

In it hangs a 40-foot stainless steel teardrop, representing sadness and grief over the loss of life, but also hope for a future free from terror. Etched in granite on an 11-sided base are the names of the nearly 3,000 killed in the 1993 World Trade Center bombings and terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001.

Photographs of the monument's construction (as well as the finished version of the memorial) can be viewed at the 911 Monument web site.

A portfolio of Tsereteli's other works around the world is also available on The New Yorker's web site.

Now you might ask yourself why this wasn't played up by the Press back in 2006 and the answer is very simple.

It would make it harder to sell the Russians as "The bad guys!"

Listen folks, I said it before and I will keep on saying it.

Make peace with Russia and bring them into NATO!

The United States and Europe are going to have more than enough trouble with other parts of the world in the years ahead and you might want to consider having a united front in the North Atlantic!

The Russians are not going to be the major problem in the future....... you have to look further East for that!


-Allan; I am utterly amazed, confounded, flabergasted and discombobulated that more was not made of this monument when it was dedicated in 2006. Why has it taken almost three years and a chance mention to get recognized for being the great gift that it is?
Peter C.

-Peter; Though not well known in the United States, Zurab Tsereteli is renowned for his work in Russia, as well as public sculptures he has erected all around the world. He reportedly spent $12 million of his own money to complete the Bayonne Harbor monument.
Allan W Janssen

A superlative post! I gained interesting information and was further educated. I am pleased to know about the monument and what a magnificent monument it is! It is simple, beautiful, artistic, superb, outstanding, remarkable, awesome.
Something is wrong in America that we have not been informed of this gift and gesture from Russia. Even the new San Antonio public library made Time, Newsweek, U. S News and World Report. WHY WERE WE NOT INFORMED? I am appalled.
Allan, I always read your posts and admire you for your courage to say what needs to be said.
Your friend, Leo L in San Antonio

-What a nice memorial, and NO I'd never heard of it before.
Peter Joseph Swanson,

-Y'know - this is a dam' shame. We should've celebrated this when it was dedicated.
Chuck L

-Allan; "...the bear and the eagle will fight and the dragon will conquer over all..." Seems to be coming more true daily!
I never heard of this teardrop monument and it is beautiful.
The masses have to be placated by such as FOX news, taking away from the real issues!
Of course the press turned a blind eye to this terrific contribution by Russia.
It is a wonder all those right-wing nuts didn't tear down the Statue of Liberty, she was a gift from France after all, and they even tried to remove the 'French' from french fries!
Georgiana S.

Allan W Janssen is the author of the book The Plain Truth About God (What the mainstream religions don't want you to know......!) and is available as an E-Book H E R E ! and as a paperback H E R E !

Visit the blog "Perspective" at

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