The left-wing is crazy and the right-wing scares the shit out of me!

Allan's Perspective is NOT recommended for the politically correct, or the overly religious. Some people have opinions. Some people have convictions......... What we offer is PERSPECTIVE!

Friday 3 April 2009

The Plain Truth About God!

I have just finished reading the book "The Plain Truth About God" by Allan Janssen.

What a fantastic study!

The entire history of the world and its religions, their creeds and texts, inspirations and dogma are laid bare for all to see.

All those that will open their eyes to see, anyway.

That is the problem with a wonderful work such as this. The people who need to learn the truth about what they espouse so vehemently, won't read it!

If people are so enmeshed in their own delusions that they won't even consider whether their apparent faith is strong enough to let in possibilities other than the conditioning they have so far known as real, for fear they might be suddenly changed in some way, then I feel sorry and afraid for the world.

This new phenom of Fundamentalist (new to this millenia anyway) religious fanatics needs to know that they only have part of the story.

Allan, I congratulate you on your extensive research, and even after deducing the cold hard facts, still have 'belief' in an intelligent Creator amongst it all.


Georgiana Steele-Waller

-Hey there Georgy girl. What a wonderful revue of my book. When I get praise like this it makes all the hard work and effort worth while, and I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kind words.

-You make some good points Georgiana! I will be checking out his book....
Point Fairies

-Great! You should find it very factual and interesting to say the least!
Georgiana S

-It does sound very interesting. Thanks for the great review
Melanie B

-Yes, sounds most interesting... thank you, dear Georgiana! :-)
Blessings and best wishes
Svetlana Goryacheva

-I am not sure fundamentalism is new to this millennium, or even confined to religious belief but part of a human need to vindicate one's personal viewpoint and have that viewpoint prevail. Thanks for the review, Georgiana
Brynn Bolt

-Wonderful review.
Poddar Kushal

-Thanks a million. This is one that I plan on buying because I have always found this a fascinating subject and one which is based more on opinion (i.e., "faith") than fact.
Walker Bennett, SF Author

-Good review Georgie, I read it PDF style last year, and enjoyed it thoroughly!

-A sad fact is that many folks who have chosen the right faith, belief, religion, whatever you may call it for themselves sometimes totally miss the simple idea that while it may be right for them does not necessarily make it right for everyone.
Debra H

-That does sound like a good book. I do like learn about religion and what others take of it is.
Minipin ♥ Pixels,

-This sounds very interesting. Thanks for the review.
Renee S

-Thanks for sharing.
Elizabeth O

-You made this sound interesting. I might actually want to read this... !
Barb Carlson

-I only read romance novels.
But, great review just the same.
Angela A

-Angela, you might like the part where Muhammad marries an older woman and then gets a whole bunch of younger wives on the side!!!!!
Allan W Janssen

-I believe Brynn is correct in stating personal vindication is a motive for a book on religion. One cannot know if what is man/women written is truth anyway. The history may be true but one cannot know the nature of God without prayer
Brojer N.

-Brojer and all who think I am advocating organised religion.........., not!
This shows how the earliest pre-dawn of history peoples handled beliefs and how it emerged through the ages. As neither God nor Jesus nor Muhammad wrote anything, what people are taking for wrote is an accounting of someone hundreds of years after the fact of the death of these so-called prophets. There is no proof that anything is even accurate, except maybe the writings of Thomas, whom the church censored out of the Bible.
So, all these people going around quoting Scripture may as well quote Nostradamus and twist it to their needs. The Bible, like the I Ching and all forms of Divination, it is open to interpretation. We take away from it what we need at that particular time.
Sorry Bryann, I meant to say that Fundamentalism seems to have come front and centre in our times more than when it was first put forward in about 1909.
Georgiana S

-Good for you Georgy, you not only learned something from the book but are using it as well.

-Sounds interesting, thanks for sharing.
Jo N

-Thanks for the review. :)
Madame Missu

-Sounds like a good read. You are right though, the people who most need to read it won't.
Kenneth B.

-Allan; You should put your book on Amazon if you already haven't.
Michelle C

-Thank you Michelle, it is on Amazon, Lulu, E-Books Online and a few others.
Allan Janssen

-Allan: Yes, "Very interesting and informative." However, to list non-Muslims as a group as divided theologically and philosophically as they are (Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, etc.) as if they represented a "united front" is misleading. Violet confrontations occur in India almost every day between Muslims and Hindus, while this does not happen in the US (as of yet) between Christians and Muslims. Perhaps that day is coming.
Donald Hawley

-Donald you may be right and if I'm not mistaken you don't see clashes between Hindu's and Christians. (At least that I'm aware of.)
It always seems to be between Muslim's and somebody else!
Why? I don't know!
Maybe it's because Islam promotes violence more than Christianity and the Eastern Religions.
After all,(And this is in the book too!) it was conceived in, and spread by, warfare!
Allan W Janssen

OK, OK, all RIGHT! I'll read it. SHEESH! If Georgiana sez so, I reckon I must. Been meaning to, anyway.
Chuck L

Allan W Janssen is the author of the book The Plain Truth About God (What the mainstream religions don't want you to know......!) and is available as an E-Book H E R E ! and as a paperback H E R E !

Visit the blog "Perspective" at

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