The left-wing is crazy and the right-wing scares the shit out of me!

Allan's Perspective is NOT recommended for the politically correct, or the overly religious. Some people have opinions. Some people have convictions......... What we offer is PERSPECTIVE!

Monday 6 April 2009

The road to Perdition!

You know, for a pretty smart guy, I do some really stupid things at times!

I "know" for sure that when I do an article on God and religion, all the fanatics, psychotics and tambourine players are going to come out of the woodwork and end up giving me a migraine headache, and sure enough.........., I got one!

I did an article last weekend about how Quantum Physics is starting to look into areas that can only be described as "God's realm," and this drew a big response from all the people with all the answers, as it usually does!

One particularly annoying person called John Knight started out with a few statements that seemed half intelligent. But, as time went on his answers and questions got not only weirder, but more confrontational, until it got to the point where I had to tell him where to go and how to get there!

To top it all off someone else called Lee something or other simply sent me a web site address that (I guess) was supposed to set me straight on this whole "God" thing!

Just so you know, dear reader, what your long suffering author is up against, I took some of the kernels of wisdom from the site he sent me, and will print it here with a few comments of my own!

It's from a Christian based page called "Proof that God Exists!" (

-Could God have used fallible people to write an infallible book?
Of course, He is God after all.

Now why didn't I think of that!

-How can we know that the Bible is true?
Rather than use physical evidence to show that the Bible is most probably true, we again go back to intellectual evidence, and logical proof, to show that the Bible is necessarily true. We can know that the Bible is true because it claims to be true and proves it by the impossibility of the contrary! It is only because the Bible is true that we have justification for universal, immaterial, unchanging laws. It is only by God's revealing Himself to us through His word that we have grounds for rational thought. We use rational thought, therefore we can know that the Bible is true. Attempting to use logic to try to disprove the only possible source for logic would be self-refuting.
OK kids, stop right there! If you bought any of the last paragraph you might as well stop reading right now!

-By what authority do Christians claim the Bible as their ultimate authority?
Any claim to ultimate authority must be self-authorizing. If we use any other authority by which to authorize the Bible, THAT authority then becomes our ultimate authority. For instance, if we say that we will accept the Bible as our ultimate authority only if %100 of literary scholars say it is true, then those scholars become our ultimate authority, not the Bible. Christians therefore claim the Bible as our ultimate authority by its own authority as the word of God.
This part goes on for another four or five paragraphs, but I will spare you the details since you would probably end up with a blank stare and drooling at the mouth a bit! As far as the last two statements are concerned, go to the dictionary and look up; "circular logic!"

-Why must the God proven on this site be the God of Christianity?
The God proven on this site must be the God of Christianity because He is the only God that HAS been proved here. No other version of God is logically defensible. The God of Christianity is the only God who makes sense out of human experience.
As with the truth and authority of the Bible, the best proof to the truth of Christianity is the reduction to absurdity of those who deny it. If you would like to witness this for yourself, just ask a professed unbeliever where the universe came from - where universal, immaterial, unchanging laws came from. The answers that I have heard require far greater faith to believe then what I possess.
Looking for another God is like looking for an answer other than '4' to the question 'what does 2 + 2 equal?' Sure there are many other answers to that math question but nobody has ever asked me "Well what about 5, or 9, or 3,286,428?" Many people, either to avoid accountability, or for a host of other reasons, try to make up other Gods, but when the true answer is known, one need not look any further.
More bullshit, but how does throwing in a grade one question on arithmetic in any way compare to the question of whether there is a God or not! (Or to be more precise, a Christian God!) Oh, of course, that's the age group this logic works on!

-Aren't there many ways to God?
There are an infinite amount of ways to get to made up 'Gods,' there is only one way to get to the one true, living God of Christianity.
Jesus said: "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14 vs. 6)
There ya have it kids! One of the three big lies! (We will discuss the other two some other time!) They sit there and try to tell you that only THEY have the answer, and anyone else is going to HELL, which leads directly into the next statement................!

Isn't the Christian claim to exclusive truth arrogant and the reason wars start?
To save you about eight paragraphs of reading here, I will summarize it by saying they claim; "Yes, it would be very arrogant to claim exclusive truth, if it wasn't for the fact that it was true!

Now, this next one, believe it or not, I don't have much of a problem with. That's because it is basically true and God knows you have to base a religion, or even a code of conduct, on something! So, here is the hook they catch you with and the next one will be how they reel you in!

-What is sin and why am I a sinner?
The Bible teaches that we were created in God's image. How then are we created in God's image? We are created in God's moral image. The law of God is not a set of rules which God arbitrarily imposes on mankind. The law of God is a reflection of God's moral character. The law is 'who God is.' God is perfect, therefore His law is also perfect. Since we were created in God's moral image, the requirements of His law have been "written on our hearts." We therefore know right from wrong and are to do right to reflect God's character. We shouldn't steal, for instance, not because stealing is bad (which it is), but because God is not a thief and we were created in His image.
THAT,my friends, I will agree with, but the sneaky S.O.B.'s then turn right around and use that to snarl you in their web!

-Why do I need to repent?
We all need to repent because we are sinners and the penalty for sin is death and eternal banishment in Hell.

So there ya have it folks........... it's all summed up in those last six words!

And God help you if you don't believe it!


-I know well of the two you speak of Allan. They are lost in denial and fabrication!jesus never wrote a thing and as you point out in your book, the people who did write the Bible were not alive during the time of the historical Jesus so how do they know. All hearsay!
Georgiana S.,

-Jesus said: "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." I've asked, and never really gotten an answer to, "So what happened to all the billions of people who died BEFORE Christ was even born? Much less before he died, the bible written and Christianity invented?Most "christians" talk in circles because that's the only way to make it make sense. It's the same as saying, it's true because I say so.I also know of at least one and probably both of whom you speak and agree with Georgina, they have a love affair with the scent of their own rectum.
Elizabeth O.

-Also, my argument has always been, the bible was written by many men, many VERY FALLIABLE men, over many years. God never came down and wrote anything, anywhere, ever. One more question I've always had for "them", if "we" are made in "God's" image, why don't they have a Goddess? Why do we have women? If Adam needed a friend why not just make another man? "God" can do anything, so if we are made in "His" image, why wouldn't he just make us all male asexual creatures? Why would "He" make a woman if "He" is a "HE"? I've never been given an actual answer, other than, it takes a man and a woman to create a baby....which leads us back to the asexual man theory...
Elizabeth O.,

-One more thing that tends to get under their skin...If God can do anything, if every sin can be forgiven, why am I automatically damned because I don't believe what they believe here on Earth. If I die and find out I'm wrong and repent, why wouldn't God forgive me then? What about all those indiginous people of the outback and Amazon who've never even HEARD of Christianity, does God just not want them?
Elizabeth O.

-Sorry, grew up debating almost an entire town on these points. Never got a single REAL answer.
Elizabeth O

-Liz, I agree 100% with you about the "made in his image" thing and can only guess that ancient man treated women the same in his folklore as his everyday society...... like second class citzens!

Allan W Janssen is the author of the book The Plain Truth About God (What the mainstream religions don't want you to know......!) and is available as an E-Book H E R E! and H E R E! And as a paperback H E R E ! and H E R E !

Visit the blog "Perspective" at

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