The left-wing is crazy and the right-wing scares the shit out of me!

Allan's Perspective is NOT recommended for the politically correct, or the overly religious. Some people have opinions. Some people have convictions......... What we offer is PERSPECTIVE!

Tuesday, 1 September 2009

Bored? Let's have an election!

Canada has what I think we call a Parliamentary Democracy.

That's where there are always tree or four main parties, and the one that gets a majority of seats in the House Of Commons can run things for quite a few years.

Trouble is, majorities don't come along that often, so things are run by deal making and coalitions!

Or something like that!

Seems to work quite well since then everybody gets a say in stuff, where it would normally be the Conservatives being Conservative, (Republican) The Liberals being middle-of-the-road, (Democrats) and the New Democrats being left wing, pinko, communistic, socialistic, trade union bastards!

Oh Yea, I almost forgot........ then there is the "Bloc Quebecois!"

(These assholes want to break up the country since they are French. They do nothing but whine about what a raw deal they have! Truth be told, this is a ploy to get the Federal Government, and the rest of the country (Les Anglias) to kiss their ass while they get away with murder........ which they have been doing rather well for the last couple of hundred years!)

Anyway......I digress!

We normally have an election here in Canada when the ruling party tries to pass legislation that goes against the grain of the other parties and they vote "non-confidence!"!

Simple, right?

Not this time!

The Liberals, because they are so middle-of-the-road, and appeal to all the immigrants and working class, have normally been the ruling party for much of Canada's history.

But, because of ineptitude and general corruption, (You know, like the Republicans in the States!) they have been on the outs for a few years now!

This doesn't sit too well with them since they consider it their God-given-right to rule, so they first tried to form a coalition with the other Parties just to call an election.

When that was deemed questionable, they cooled their jets for the summer and then today proclaimed that they will bring down the government as soon as Parliament resumes in the Fall by not supporting any new legislation no matter what it is!

Here is a Political Party that is going to force and election and cost the people of Canada hundreds of millions of dollars for no other reason than they want to be back in power!

This is blind opportunism folks, and the people of this country realize that.

So when this whole mess is over, we will end up right back where we started, with the Conservatives running things, (for obvious reasons) and the country almost half a billion further in debt!

Allan W Janssen is the author of the book The Plain Truth About God (What the mainstream religions don't want you to know......!) and is available as an E-Book H E R E! and H E R E! And as a paperback H E R E ! and H E R E !

Visit the blog "Perspective" at

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