The left-wing is crazy and the right-wing scares the shit out of me!

Allan's Perspective is NOT recommended for the politically correct, or the overly religious. Some people have opinions. Some people have convictions......... What we offer is PERSPECTIVE!

Monday 21 June 2010

I hate cops! (Well, some of them!)

My best friend Wayne is a retired Toronto police officer and I know he is not going to like this article, but I have to get it off my chest!

Back in the old days when I was drinking a lot more than was good for me, I got arrested for public drunkenness here in London.

The details of the arrest aren't really that important except for the fact that at some point I told Constable David Blackwell to "fuck off" as I threw my belt at him!

For my efforts, I was beaten unconscious and had my two front teeth kicked out!

When I went to court the judge knew what the score was, although he convicted me, I only got a $100.00 dollar fine!

Normally it's jail time!

(This whole fiasco cost me about $15,000 in the intervening years for dental work, $100.00 for the fine, and $2,000.00 for a lawyer, for a grand total of seventeen thousand one hundred dollars)

I also have to admit that my plotting and scheming over the last fifteen years on ways to get back at him are probably not too emotionally healthy, but I continue to do it!

Unfortunately I have been unable to come up with anything that is both satisfying and legal, so I am sort of stuck in limbo about the whole thing!

Anyway, there is an article on the front page of the London Free Press this morning!

"19 bullets, NO charges!"

Seems a guy robbed a bank, or variety store, or something, and when the cops arrived he ran like hell!

(Before we go any further with this story I should tell you that I realized the importance of a police force in our society and I know these guys do a very difficult and dangerous job that is for the most part thankless as well! What gets to me are the guys that start to think they ARE the law, instead of just upholding the law! This might seems a very minor distinction at first, but believe me, it's very important for a cop to never develop this mindset!)

Where was I?

Oh yea, the guy is running like hell!

So, our defender of truth, justice and the Canadian way starts to chase him....... down streets, over fences, through back yards, across fields, through parking lots........... well, you get the picture!

Now here comes the good part folks!

This cop, who the police force refuses to name, is shooting at the fleeing suspect the whole time.

Nineteen times!!!!!!

The cop shot up some houses, cars, light poles, trees and various other objects while the guy kept yelling: "I don't have a gun!"

(Did I mention that the robber didn't have a gun?)

Here's the kicker kids ...................!

Our anonymous hero of peace, order and good government claimed the fleeing robber turned around a couple of times and "ASSUMED A FIRING POSITION!"

At least, that's the story bunky!

Let me tell ya something.

Take any 100 random police reports of a fleeing, unarmed man running from the cops, and I will bet my all my worldly goods that NOT ONE OF THEM stopped and fired back with their fingers!!!!!!!!!!!

Now I could be wrong here, but something smells fishy when they do an internal investigation and decided that our "hapless hero" will not face any charges!

That's like having the fox guard the hen house!
This whole mess reminds me of a story I heard years ago about law enforcement and cops taking the law into their own hands: Seems a white guy in Alabama who was driving down a dark road one night accidentally hit two black guys who were walking on the shoulder!

When the cops got there to investigate, the white guy is all nervous and says: "Gee officer, do you think there will be any charges here?"

The big, burly southern cops says: "Damn right! We'll charge the guy who went through your front widow with break and enter, and the guy who got tossed down the road with leaving the scene of an accident!"
Ain't it the truth!

Allan W Janssen is the author of the book The Plain Truth About God (What the mainstream religions don't want you to know!) and is available as an E-Book H E R E! and H E R E! And as a paperback H E R E ! and H E R E !

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