The left-wing is crazy and the right-wing scares the shit out of me!

Allan's Perspective is NOT recommended for the politically correct, or the overly religious. Some people have opinions. Some people have convictions......... What we offer is PERSPECTIVE!

Wednesday 16 June 2010

Now it's time to pick on the Left Wing!

The far Right has received a drubbing on this site over the past several weeks, so I think it's about time we had a long hard look at the bleeding-heart liberal do-gooders that screw up the NDP, most of the Liberal Party, our Universities and all the major trade unions!

(For good measure let's throw in the feminists, vegetarians, members of PETA, especially Pam Anderson, environmentalists, conspiracy theorists and people from British Columbia.)

There were a couple of articles in Maclean's magazine this week that shows just how nuts these "Lefties" are, and why the far right doesn't have a lock on idiots!

First of all, at the War Experience museum in London, England, a guest noticed that a poster welcoming visitors to the Winston Churchill exhibit was missing Winnie’s trademark cigar.

The 1948 original shows the P.M. making a victory “v” with his fingers and a cigar dangling from his mouth.

The museum would never have asked for the alteration, manager John Welsh assured The Daily Telegraph.

However, he won’t reveal who chose to remove the cigar!

(Since smoking is no longer Politically Correct.)


Now, right here at home in good old sensible Canada, things are listing hard to port as well!

Immigration is always a hot topic here in the land of the frozen north, especially since Toronto is the most ethnically diverse city on the planet!

Seems an immigration lawyer from Vancouver dug up some dirt for the left that the Federal Government is using "Racial Profiling" when it sets quotas for immigration.

It appears that the Feds have dropped some countries further down the list of those that are eligible to come here and elevated others!


We are actually showing PREFERENCE for one group over another!!

According to the Left, why would we Canadians want to take in the well educated, reasonably prosperous, ambitious people from India and China when all those poor, uneducated, dejected and dismayed people from the Caribbean and Africa want to come over here too!

That's right kids, these assholes are objecting because the government is able to pick and chose who comes here and who doesn't!

They call it "DISCRIMINATION!"

If that's the attitude they are going to take, I suggest that we let in the less qualified people......., and for every one that arrives on our shores we send one of the bleeding heart liberals back to the Caribbean or Africa to replace them!

We just might get the better of the deal!

Your 'no nonsense' scribe;
Allan W Jansssen

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