The left-wing is crazy and the right-wing scares the shit out of me!

Allan's Perspective is NOT recommended for the politically correct, or the overly religious. Some people have opinions. Some people have convictions......... What we offer is PERSPECTIVE!

Thursday 17 June 2010

The Ballad of Bob Rae!

Up until the time that immigrants outnumbered farmers here in Ontario we always had Conservative governments.

Then in the 80's the Liberals under David Peterson formed the government and messed things up to the point that during the 1990 election all hell broke lose!

Everybody was so pissed at the Liberals that they all voted for the NDP under Bob Rae. (Now in all fairness I have to admit that I voted Conservative as usual, but everyone else didn't really think that the NDP would get in........, they just wanted the Liberals out!)

Well wasn't that a mess!

Bobbie and his buddies preceeded to decimate the province over the next few years with their far left policies and ideology to the extent that they will probably never win an election again!

Realizing this, Bob Rae jumped ship to the Federal Liberals where he is now tryng to become the leader of the Party.

Whether he makes it or not, this is the reason I took the long way around to get to the point of this story!

The point is our pensions!

Our old age boomer pensions!

Being one of the baby boomers, I realize that we have to face the fact that our old age pension will probably not get us through our retirement years.

We either have to have money in the bank, or face the possibility of being homeless when we are seventy or eighty!

Fortunately that won't happen to me, but it seems there are too many old folk and not enough kids in the country to keep the pension plan going.

Things are going to get real dicey in the near future folks.

NOW, here comes the kicker!

Bob Rae, (And some broad from the NDP) in order to pander to the immigrants and their families, has suggested that anyone who brings a relative over from the old country (like a mother or father, aunt or uncle) will be able to get them an old age pension after only 3 years in this country.


Most of us spend over forty years working, and even then we are now no longer assured of a pension in our old age......, yet these assholes (Socialists) want to give it to people that have only been here for three years.

All this in order to get more of the ethnic vote!

(And to hell with bankrupting the pension system!)

I see Bob Rae has changed parties, but he sure hasn't changed his stripes.

Once a Socialist, always a Socialist!


Richard Regener said;
If Bob Rae ever gets back in power here I'm off to Italy permanently.

Allan W Janssen is the author of the book The Plain Truth About God (What the mainstream religions don't want you to know!) and is available as an E-Book H E R E! and H E R E! And as a paperback H E R E ! and H E R E !

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