Justin Trudeau is starting to get a lot of press, which is not surprising since the left wing media not only loves him, but is starting to compare him to the second coming!
The Perspective Research Department and the entire Naked News staff did a lot of interviewing, and soul searching, about Trudeau’s chances in the next election and reached a strange conclusion.
Trudeau will either “go big, or go home!”
18441-Clipart-Illustration-Of-A-Chubby-Nude-White-Woman-Holding-Her-Brests-And-Looking-Shockingly-Down-At-The-Weight-Depicted-On-A-ScaleThere doesn’t seem to be much room in the middle for this guy!
Now I have to admit he surprised the hell out of me when he won that boxing match last year, but the political ring is another matter entirely.
Everyone had big hopes and aspirations for Martin, Dion, Ignatieff, and even Bob Rae, but they were all lacking when it came around to doing the big job.
Will Justin Trudeau follow in their footsteps?
Let’s face it folks, the higher they build him up……………………, the further he can fall!
1144045-Cartoon-Of-A-Chorus-Line-Of-Naked-Men-Dancing-The-Can-Can-Royalty-Free-Vector-Clipart(In addition to Justin Trudeau, these are the other contenders for “Leader of the Liberal Party:” Marc Garneau, Canada’s first astronaut; Vancouver MP Joyce Murray; former MP Martha Hall Findlay; former cabinet minister Martin Cauchon; Toronto lawyer Deborah Coyne; Ottawa lawyer David Bertschi; and retired military officer Karen McCrimmon.)