Paul Hogan made one big pile of money from his “Crocodile Dundee” movies,  and now his good fortune has come full circle after his best friend/financial adviser/buddy made of with 34 MILLION BUCKS of his money!
Phillip Egglishaw is currently being sought by Interpol, and is believed to be hiding in Switzerland, or Thailand, or Tasmania etc. etc.
After all, with that much money, he can hide where ever he likes!
Ain’t no friendlier con-artist than a Canadian con artist folks!
Toronto’s own Benny Hinn is at it again boys and girls.
His latest tour has got him in India telling people to send him $100- “seed” money that will then grow and make the sender RICH!

men63The seed-faith scam is part of the ‘prosperity gospel‘ — one of the many false teachings of the so-called Word-Faith or Word of Faith movement.
It twists Bible verses and Biblical concepts beyond recognition. You reap what you sow; therefore you must sow money in order to get more of it. ‘Sowing’usually is a euphemism for ‘donate it to whichever preacher teaches you this trick.’
Thing is: If this scam worked as advertised, those preachers would be sending you money — and would no longer have to ask for donations.
(Hinn has made hundreds of millions bilking poor/stupid/gullible/people out of their life savings, so it’s no wonder the little prick is always smiling when he’s photographed!)
1082726-Clipart-Naked-Baby-Boy-Looking-Back-And-Holding-His-Arms-Up-For-A-Hug-Royalty-Free-Vector-IllustrationStill not convinced you should quit smoking?
Aside from costing you $3000 to $5000  bucks a year to buy smokes, it will also lower the resale value of your home by up to 30% if you smoke in the house.
One a typical Canadian house that’s about  a hundred grand kids!
AND, last, but certainly not least for anyone who has a relative waiting for a transplant!
Fresh rodent kidney created in lab
Scientists have grown an artificial rat kidney in the laboratory, heralding an era when humans can replace their own knackered organs with off the shelf stand-ins.
Boffins at Massachusetts General Hospital used a technique which had previously been used to create fully working hearts, lungs and liver tissue.
They first took a kidney and extracted its functioning cells using a detergent solution. This leaves behind the cellular “scaffolding” that gives the organ its shape.
The team then implanted kidney and blood vessel cells onto the scaffold, which was left to grow for 12 days until the cells had grown all the way around the structure.
This horrifying-sounding contraption was then transplanted into a living rat, where it performed like a kidney should, filtering blood and producing urine.
Although it wasn’t quite as good as the kidney nature endowed the rat with, boffins were pleased with the results.
The method was originally pioneered by American bioengineer Doris Taylor, who first used it in 2008 to grow beating hearts.
Harald Ott, of the Massachusetts General Hospital’s Centre for Regenerative Medicine, is cautiously optimistic the technique could be used on humans suffering from kidney failure.
“What is unique about this approach is that the native organ’s architecture is preserved, so that the resulting graft can be transplanted just like a donor kidney and connected to the recipient’s vascular and urinary systems,” he said. “If this technology can be scaled to human-sized grafts, patients suffering from renal failure who are currently waiting for donor kidneys or who are not transplant candidates could theoretically receive new organs derived from their own cells.”
Kidney failure is a grim and largely untreatable disease. The only ways to combat it are dialysis or replacing the kidney with a donor organ, dooming the patient to a lifetime of taking immunosuppressant drugs.
Growing kidneys from a patient’s own cells would remove the need for these drugs, as the body would not reject the organ.
 Ott said that more work was needed to make the kidney cells work more efficiently.
“Further refinement of the cell types used for seeding and additional maturation in culture may allow us to achieve a more functional organ,” he added.
“Based on this inital proof of principle, we hope that bioengineered kidneys will someday be able to fully replace kidney function just as donor kidneys do. In an ideal world, such grafts could be produced ‘on demand” from a patient’s own cells, helping us overcome both the organ shortage and the need for chronic immunosuppression.”
His team are now looking into ways of harvesting human cells and refining their technique to handle man-sized kidneys.
The arrival of the artificial rat organ was welcomed by Kidney Research UK, who also warned that a human treatment was still a long way away.