Dear Readers:
This is perhaps one of the worst cases of outright, sickening,
disgusting, attempts at dis-information that your shocked reporter has
ever seen!
Remember Omar Khadr, that Canadian terrorist wanna-be who killed an American soldier, and spent years in Guantanamo Bay prison for it?
Well, kids, his lawyer is now saying that the whole thing was a conspiracy between the U.S. and Canadian governments to RAILROAD HIM!
I’m not kidding folks, this guy is saying this stuff with a straight face!!!!!
Listen to this:
Following months of hearings, years of debate and dozens of protests, the federal panel reviewing the controversial Northern Gateway pipeline will release its report later today.
The $6-billion pipeline that would connect the Alberta oil sands to tankers on British Columbia’s coast bound for the emerging markets of Asia has become the beachhead in the battle between economics and the environment.
If approved, the pipeline will likely be just the first to put billions of dollars into the coffers of Alberta, Ottawa and other provincial governments, not to mention the bank accounts of the proponent, Calgary-based Enbridge (TSX:ENB), and the international companies with a stake in the project.
The pipeline is facing stiff opposition from some U.S. quasi-environmentalists, like the Koch Brothers, who are spending MILLIONS trying to stop the project from going ahead!
(OH! Did I mention that the Koch Brothers (and others) made their BILLIONS from the oil industry, and Keystone and Northern Gateway are direct threats to their business interests!!!!!!!!!!)
Douglas Channel, the proposed termination point for an oil pipeline in the Enbridge Northern Gateway Project, is pictured in an aerial view in Kitimat, B.C. (Darryl Dyck/THE CANADIAN PRESS

Read more:
Well kids, one of the reasons I don’t live down East is the weather!
This headline seems to be a repeat of stuff I was writing about last year, right up until April;
That’s one of the things I always liked about Vancouver and Victoria……………….., ya don’t have to shovel RAIN!
I’m still not sure if this is Phil Robertson, or one of the guys from Z.Z. Top, but whoever it is, he got himself in a lot of shit by upsetting the GLUT community!
(You might not recognize GLUT, but my computer’s auto-correct tells me this is how you refer to the gay and lesbian community!)
“Duck Dynasty” patriarch Phil Robertson has been placed under a filming hiatus by A+E, the network that airs his reality show, following the anti-gay remarks he made in GQ magazine.
Robertson was discussing his religious beliefs with the magazine for a new feature on the “Duck Dynasty” clan when he made the anti-gay remarks. When asked by GQ what he thought was sinful, he replied, “start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there. Bestiality, sleeping around with this woman and that woman and that woman and those men.”
WATCH :’Duck Dynasty’ Star’s Homophobic Remarks: The Fallout
“Don’t be deceived. Neither the adulterers, the idolaters, the male prostitutes, the homosexual offenders, the greedy, the drunkards, the slanderers, the swindlers — they won’t inherit the kingdom of God. Don’t deceive yourself. It’s not right,” he added, paraphrasing Corinthians.
GLAAD quickly reacted to the star’s remarks earlier on Wednesday.
“The fact that you would misquote and misrepresent Christianity and the Bible in order to perpetuate these myths and lies about homosexuality and the LGBT community is just unacceptable,” GLAAD spokesperson Cruz told Access Hollywood on Wednesday morning.
Responding to the controversy his remarks generated, Robertson released a statement on Wednesday.
“I would never treat anyone with disrespect just because they are different from me,” he said. “We are all created by the Almighty and like Him, I love all of humanity. We would all be better off if we loved God and loved each other.”
Remember a few days ago I played you a video by Quebec
teenager David Thibault who has racked up millions of YouTube views with
his uncanny rendition of ”Blue Christmas” by Elvis Presley.
(The video, recorded last week at Montreal radio station CKOI, had generated more than seven million views by early Wednesday.)
Viewers who saw Thibault perform with just an acoustic guitar include talk show host Ellen DeGeneres, who has invited Thibault to appear on her program on Monday.
A message on the Degeneres website says the “teenage viral sensation” will do his best version of the King during the program.
(Several other videos of Thibault singing Elvis tunes are on YouTube, including ”Don’t Be Cruel,” ”My Way” and ”Blue Suede Shoes.”)
Former NBA star Dennis Rodman arrived in North Korea on Thursday to meet leader Kim Jong Un and put the finishing touches on plans to bring 12 ex-NBA players to Pyongyang for a Jan. 8 exhibition game marking the leader’s birthday.
Rodman said the game is on track despite the recent execution of Kim’s uncle in a dramatic political purge.
Rodman and Kim have struck up an unlikely friendship since the Hall of Famer traveled to the secretive state for the first time in February with the Harlem Globetrotters for an HBO series produced by New York-based VICE television.
He remains the highest-profile American to meet Kim since the leader inherited power from his father, Kim Jong Il, in 2011 ……, and the State Department is trying to figure out some way to get Kim to keep him there!
AND FINALLY: Speaking of environmentalists, and the bullshit they subject us to ………….., have a look at THIS!
Remember Omar Khadr, that Canadian terrorist wanna-be who killed an American soldier, and spent years in Guantanamo Bay prison for it?
Well, kids, his lawyer is now saying that the whole thing was a conspiracy between the U.S. and Canadian governments to RAILROAD HIM!
I’m not kidding folks, this guy is saying this stuff with a straight face!!!!!
Listen to this:
Lawyers for former Guantanamo Bay prisoner Omar Khadr
need to tighten up their argument that he was a victim of a conspiracy
between Canadian and U.S. officials shortly after his capture in 2002, a
Federal Court judge says.
Justice Richard Mosley said Wednesday that Khadr’s lawyer, John Kingman Phillips, needs to “sharpen (his) pencil” when it comes to allegations in an amended lawsuit claiming there was a conspiracy to prosecute Khadr and that Canadian investigators who went to Guantanamo to interview him were aware that Khadr’s rights — such as his access to a lawyer, the right to remain silent, and the “rights of a child” — were being violated after his arrest.
The proceedings are part of a lawsuit that has recently doubled to $20 million because Khadr alleges the Canadian government conspired with the Americans and is responsible for what he calls his unlawful treatment.
“It is evident to me … the predominant purpose was the imprisonment of Omar Khadr,” Phillips told the court. “To ensure that he remained in custody of U.S. or Canadian officials.”
Phillips also made extensive reference to documents where the identities of Canadian enforcement officials who entered into discussions with their U.S. counterparts around access to Khadr had been redacted — and therefore left unknown.
“Mr. Khadr was never aware…(and) his lawyers were never aware (that) he was a target,” said Phillips, who insisted “Canada was furthering its own objective of prosecuting (Khadr)” and that the Canadian officials who went down to interview him viewed him “as an accused for the purposes … of prosecution.”
Lawyers for Canada’s government said the conspiracy allegations lacked “particulars” and not enough detail to prove a co-conspiracy on the part of Canadian officials. As well, they argued it was not up to a Canadian court to judge the conduct of American security officials at Guantanamo.
Outside court, Phillips said he’ll tighten up his argument and
deliver it to the government’s lawyers for review before presenting it
in court again.
“What we have to prove is that Canada and the U.S. agreed on a common objective and used … unlawful means to injure or damage Omar,” Phillips said.
Khadr — who was 15 at the time — was captured in Afghanistan following a July 27, 2002 firefight with coalition troops that fatally wounded U.S. soldier Christopher Speer.
The Americans handed Khadr an eight-year sentence in 2010, with the chance to return to Canada, for pleading guilty to war crimes, including Speer’s murder.
Justice Richard Mosley said Wednesday that Khadr’s lawyer, John Kingman Phillips, needs to “sharpen (his) pencil” when it comes to allegations in an amended lawsuit claiming there was a conspiracy to prosecute Khadr and that Canadian investigators who went to Guantanamo to interview him were aware that Khadr’s rights — such as his access to a lawyer, the right to remain silent, and the “rights of a child” — were being violated after his arrest.
The proceedings are part of a lawsuit that has recently doubled to $20 million because Khadr alleges the Canadian government conspired with the Americans and is responsible for what he calls his unlawful treatment.
“It is evident to me … the predominant purpose was the imprisonment of Omar Khadr,” Phillips told the court. “To ensure that he remained in custody of U.S. or Canadian officials.”
Phillips also made extensive reference to documents where the identities of Canadian enforcement officials who entered into discussions with their U.S. counterparts around access to Khadr had been redacted — and therefore left unknown.
“Mr. Khadr was never aware…(and) his lawyers were never aware (that) he was a target,” said Phillips, who insisted “Canada was furthering its own objective of prosecuting (Khadr)” and that the Canadian officials who went down to interview him viewed him “as an accused for the purposes … of prosecution.”
Lawyers for Canada’s government said the conspiracy allegations lacked “particulars” and not enough detail to prove a co-conspiracy on the part of Canadian officials. As well, they argued it was not up to a Canadian court to judge the conduct of American security officials at Guantanamo.
“What we have to prove is that Canada and the U.S. agreed on a common objective and used … unlawful means to injure or damage Omar,” Phillips said.
Khadr — who was 15 at the time — was captured in Afghanistan following a July 27, 2002 firefight with coalition troops that fatally wounded U.S. soldier Christopher Speer.
The Americans handed Khadr an eight-year sentence in 2010, with the chance to return to Canada, for pleading guilty to war crimes, including Speer’s murder.
Following months of hearings, years of debate and dozens of protests, the federal panel reviewing the controversial Northern Gateway pipeline will release its report later today.
The $6-billion pipeline that would connect the Alberta oil sands to tankers on British Columbia’s coast bound for the emerging markets of Asia has become the beachhead in the battle between economics and the environment.
If approved, the pipeline will likely be just the first to put billions of dollars into the coffers of Alberta, Ottawa and other provincial governments, not to mention the bank accounts of the proponent, Calgary-based Enbridge (TSX:ENB), and the international companies with a stake in the project.
The pipeline is facing stiff opposition from some U.S. quasi-environmentalists, like the Koch Brothers, who are spending MILLIONS trying to stop the project from going ahead!
(OH! Did I mention that the Koch Brothers (and others) made their BILLIONS from the oil industry, and Keystone and Northern Gateway are direct threats to their business interests!!!!!!!!!!)
Douglas Channel, the proposed termination point for an oil pipeline in the Enbridge Northern Gateway Project, is pictured in an aerial view in Kitimat, B.C. (Darryl Dyck/THE CANADIAN PRESS
Read more:
Well kids, one of the reasons I don’t live down East is the weather!
This headline seems to be a repeat of stuff I was writing about last year, right up until April;
It’s beginning to look a lot like winter as Maritimes hit with second snowstorm in a week!
I’m still not sure if this is Phil Robertson, or one of the guys from Z.Z. Top, but whoever it is, he got himself in a lot of shit by upsetting the GLUT community!
(You might not recognize GLUT, but my computer’s auto-correct tells me this is how you refer to the gay and lesbian community!)
“Duck Dynasty” patriarch Phil Robertson has been placed under a filming hiatus by A+E, the network that airs his reality show, following the anti-gay remarks he made in GQ magazine.
Robertson was discussing his religious beliefs with the magazine for a new feature on the “Duck Dynasty” clan when he made the anti-gay remarks. When asked by GQ what he thought was sinful, he replied, “start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there. Bestiality, sleeping around with this woman and that woman and that woman and those men.”
WATCH :’Duck Dynasty’ Star’s Homophobic Remarks: The Fallout
“Don’t be deceived. Neither the adulterers, the idolaters, the male prostitutes, the homosexual offenders, the greedy, the drunkards, the slanderers, the swindlers — they won’t inherit the kingdom of God. Don’t deceive yourself. It’s not right,” he added, paraphrasing Corinthians.
GLAAD quickly reacted to the star’s remarks earlier on Wednesday.
“The fact that you would misquote and misrepresent Christianity and the Bible in order to perpetuate these myths and lies about homosexuality and the LGBT community is just unacceptable,” GLAAD spokesperson Cruz told Access Hollywood on Wednesday morning.
Responding to the controversy his remarks generated, Robertson released a statement on Wednesday.
“I would never treat anyone with disrespect just because they are different from me,” he said. “We are all created by the Almighty and like Him, I love all of humanity. We would all be better off if we loved God and loved each other.”
(The video, recorded last week at Montreal radio station CKOI, had generated more than seven million views by early Wednesday.)
Viewers who saw Thibault perform with just an acoustic guitar include talk show host Ellen DeGeneres, who has invited Thibault to appear on her program on Monday.
A message on the Degeneres website says the “teenage viral sensation” will do his best version of the King during the program.
(Several other videos of Thibault singing Elvis tunes are on YouTube, including ”Don’t Be Cruel,” ”My Way” and ”Blue Suede Shoes.”)
Former NBA star Dennis Rodman arrived in North Korea on Thursday to meet leader Kim Jong Un and put the finishing touches on plans to bring 12 ex-NBA players to Pyongyang for a Jan. 8 exhibition game marking the leader’s birthday.
Rodman and Kim have struck up an unlikely friendship since the Hall of Famer traveled to the secretive state for the first time in February with the Harlem Globetrotters for an HBO series produced by New York-based VICE television.
He remains the highest-profile American to meet Kim since the leader inherited power from his father, Kim Jong Il, in 2011 ……, and the State Department is trying to figure out some way to get Kim to keep him there!
AND FINALLY: Speaking of environmentalists, and the bullshit they subject us to ………….., have a look at THIS!
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