Dear Readers:
Winter has hit Canada with a vengeance bunky!
Canmore, Alberta, (as the top picture shows) has been completely covered up, and the valley filled in with snow.
Rescue crews are attempting to dig out the residents!
And how cold was it? Last night Winnipeg was colder than the surface of Mars!
Winnipeg’s temperature sunk to -31 (-52 with the wind chill) while the surface of MARS was only -29!
The Maritimes are also being hit with a major storm ……………..!
As usual, the only safe place to be is in B.C.
On Thursday, David Waddell used the Klingon language to write his letter of resignation from town council.
Waddell says he chose to use Klingon, the language of a warrior race in the “Star Trek” TV shows and movies, as an inside joke.
(Mayor Michael Alvarez calls the letter unprofessional.)
Waddell says he is resigning at the end of this month, although his four-year term expires in December 2015.
Egypt’s King Tutankhamen was embalmed in an unusual way, including having his penis mummified at a 90-degree angle!
That’s right folks, we here at the Perspective Department have discovered that Tut was buried with a PERMANENT hard-on.
And as always…………………………., remember ya heard it HERE first!
There is an old saying that goes: “Any society can be judged by how it treats it’s most vulnerable members!”
violence in the Central African Republic is posing a threat to
children, with at least two beheaded and thousands recruited as
soldiers, the United Nations said.
Folks, we have a situation here that requires your attention:
NOT ONLY THAT, The Perspective Research Department, along with the Naked News staff, have discovered that ya can’t debate these assholes under any circumstances.
You can’t argue with them!
You cant’ reason with them!
You can’t explain things to them!
You can’t use any amount of logic to get through to them!
Because God told them so …………………, that’s why!!!!!
Looks like North Korea’s Kim Jong-un was more upset than anyone thought!
According to a report in pro-China paper Wen Wei Po, Kim executed his uncle, Jang Song-Thaek, and then fed him to a bunch of pigs they kept out back!
(Sound like something out of the TV series “Deadwood!”)
Let’s see if you can connect the dots, kids: The private
prison contractors in the United States, over the last several decades,
have been brought in to run prisons, federal lockups and county-level
jails. The number of inmates housed in these facilitieshas grown
exponentially since then, to the point where the United States now has a
far greater prison population per capita than any other country in the
world. (These prisons are paid by the # of inmates they can jam into
Does anyone see a CONNECTION?
The last Volkswagen camper vans have rolled off the assembly line in Brazil. It’s the end of the road for the cultural and automotive icon first built more than 60 years ago.
I know folks, ……………, I had one!

Jane Seymour is now 62 years old kids…………, and she still looks GREAT in a Bikini!

Meanwhile, 45 year old Zelda, from the Perspective Naked News staff is NOT looking so great!
After ravaging Hong Kong yesterday, the giant yellow duck swam across the South China Sea and approached The Island of Taiwan, where it started to threaten residents in Keelung city. (A woman can be seen hiding behind a fence in one of the photo’s!)
Winter has hit Canada with a vengeance bunky!
Canmore, Alberta, (as the top picture shows) has been completely covered up, and the valley filled in with snow.
Rescue crews are attempting to dig out the residents!
And how cold was it? Last night Winnipeg was colder than the surface of Mars!
Winnipeg’s temperature sunk to -31 (-52 with the wind chill) while the surface of MARS was only -29!
The Maritimes are also being hit with a major storm ……………..!
As usual, the only safe place to be is in B.C.
Waddell says he chose to use Klingon, the language of a warrior race in the “Star Trek” TV shows and movies, as an inside joke.
(Mayor Michael Alvarez calls the letter unprofessional.)
Waddell says he is resigning at the end of this month, although his four-year term expires in December 2015.
That’s right folks, we here at the Perspective Department have discovered that Tut was buried with a PERMANENT hard-on.
And as always…………………………., remember ya heard it HERE first!
There is an old saying that goes: “Any society can be judged by how it treats it’s most vulnerable members!”
The United Nations says it verified the deaths of 16 children since violence broke out in the capital of Bangui on December 5. Dozens of others have been injured.
“We are witnessing unprecedented levels of violence against children.
More and more children are being recruited into armed groups, and they
are also being directly targeted in atrocious revenge attacks,” said
Souleymane Diabate, UNICEF representative in the nation.
Folks, we have a situation here that requires your attention:
After shuffling off the “Dancing with the Stars”
stage, Bill Nye has decided to take on creationism with a debate
tentatively scheduled between the Science Guy and Ken Hamm, founder of Kentucky’s Creation Museum, for Feb. 4, at 7 p.m., according to news reports.
To get an idea of where Hamm’s arguments will stem from, the museum focuses on the idea that God created the universe in six days some 6,000 years ago. Such Young Earth Creationists reject Darwin’s theory evolution, which describes that new living things emerge through the process of natural selection. Rather than a young Earth, evolutionary processes support a much, much older planet, one that formed some 4.54 billion years ago.
Not everybody thinks a debate between Nye and Hamm is a good idea. Greg Laden, on his culture and science blog, gives four reasons Nye should avoid the debate, including the fact that he isn’t an experienced debater; there really is no debate, as evolution is supported by science and creationism is not; creationists will always win a debate since their arguments are not based in science; and lastly, the event is a fundraiser for the Creation Museum.
To get an idea of where Hamm’s arguments will stem from, the museum focuses on the idea that God created the universe in six days some 6,000 years ago. Such Young Earth Creationists reject Darwin’s theory evolution, which describes that new living things emerge through the process of natural selection. Rather than a young Earth, evolutionary processes support a much, much older planet, one that formed some 4.54 billion years ago.
Not everybody thinks a debate between Nye and Hamm is a good idea. Greg Laden, on his culture and science blog, gives four reasons Nye should avoid the debate, including the fact that he isn’t an experienced debater; there really is no debate, as evolution is supported by science and creationism is not; creationists will always win a debate since their arguments are not based in science; and lastly, the event is a fundraiser for the Creation Museum.
NOT ONLY THAT, The Perspective Research Department, along with the Naked News staff, have discovered that ya can’t debate these assholes under any circumstances.
You can’t argue with them!
You cant’ reason with them!
You can’t explain things to them!
You can’t use any amount of logic to get through to them!
Because God told them so …………………, that’s why!!!!!
According to a report in pro-China paper Wen Wei Po, Kim executed his uncle, Jang Song-Thaek, and then fed him to a bunch of pigs they kept out back!
(Sound like something out of the TV series “Deadwood!”)
Does anyone see a CONNECTION?
The last Volkswagen camper vans have rolled off the assembly line in Brazil. It’s the end of the road for the cultural and automotive icon first built more than 60 years ago.
I know folks, ……………, I had one!
Meanwhile, 45 year old Zelda, from the Perspective Naked News staff is NOT looking so great!
After ravaging Hong Kong yesterday, the giant yellow duck swam across the South China Sea and approached The Island of Taiwan, where it started to threaten residents in Keelung city. (A woman can be seen hiding behind a fence in one of the photo’s!)
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