Dear Readers:
I saw an article about the weather this morning, that said we are having a more normal winter this year!


If  THIS is normal ………, then bring on “Global Warming” kids!

My friend Wayne is down in Florida for the winter, and he is sitting in his condo right now reading about the nasty weather we have here! Then he is going to go lie on the beach for a while and laugh at us!

(Wayne .............., fuck off! ;>) )

Another thing I noticed lately is that any celebrity I have ever heard of, or read about  …………….., has either died or gone into RE-HAB lately!
And since I am in a RANT mode anyway…………………………, YES, I believe in “Free Speech,” but drawing a line between what people are allowed to say or do, and what people want to do or hear, IS ALWAYS A TOUCHY SUBJECT!
18441-Clipart-Illustration-Of-A-Chubby-Nude-White-Woman-Holding-Her-Brests-And-Looking-Shockingly-Down-At-The-Weight-Depicted-On-A-ScaleAs has been noted earlier here at Techdirt, the NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration) has been collaborating with law enforcement agencies around the nation to collect blood and saliva samples from drivers. This collection is part of a NHTSA “survey” which is looking to determine how often drivers drive while possibly impaired by drugs or alcohol. Providing the NHTSA with either of these fluids is completely optional (citizens are rewarded monetarily for their contribution), but the use of uniformed officers (supposedly solely for crowd control and security of the payment funds) and patrol cars has given many drivers the impression that these stops (and collections) are actually mandatory — or at the very least, highly recommended.

BUT, then again, free speech is a two ways street at the best of times.
FOR EXAMPLE: I don’t think we needed to hear THIS from Cameron Diaz!
ku-xlargeYour pubic hair is a mysterious, confusing, pretty, furry door (more like a beaded curtain?) to your vagina, and you should never remove it because one day someone’s going to want to get in there, and they’ll probably enjoy their stay more if they have to hunt around for the entrance, like they’re entering a genital speakeasy.
We think this quote could be filed under: “TOO MUCH INFORMATION!” (And why is her mouth open like that?)


I was ‘stumbling’ around the Internet today and ran across one of those “inspirational quotes” or “quotes to live by” or some-such nonsense….., when I saw this:


No! No! No!

You can bet your bottom dollar that I’m mad at that person!


imagesCA4GV2T9Remember what I said a few days ago about how a society is judged by how it treats it’s most vulnerable citizens: A Prince Edward Island provincial court judge is questioning why the legal and healthcare systems were unable to find shelter for a homeless man on a bitterly cold New Year’s Eve.
Barry Joseph Flynn is charged with two counts of arson related to a pair of fires set just before Halloween. After his arrest he was sent for a psychiatric assessment to the East Coast Forensic Hospital in Dartmouth, N.S.
The 58-year-old man was returned to the Island on New Year’s Eve, but was refused a spot at the Hillsborough Hospital and Special Care Centre, a psychiatric facility in Charlottetown, because there was no bed for him.
So Judge Nancy Orr took the unusual step of ordering Flynn be sent to jail, locked up for his own protection.
Dear Readers:
As a special report for BlogsCanada and Allan’s Perspective, we have a few comments on the ppppproblems within Indian communities across Canada!
OTTAWA – The federal government may struggle to keep up with a growing need for mental-health and other social services in First Nations communities, according to a newly released document.

imagesCAVCNRT6Senior officials at Health Canada were cautioned last May that their existing social programs to help aboriginal communities may not be sufficient to meet increased demand.
“Though supports are available, it is not clear whether current programming will be sufficient to meet emerging needs,” says a memo to the deputy and associate deputy ministers.
“Though supports are available, it is not clear whether current programming will be sufficient to meet emerging needs,” says a memo to the deputy and associate deputy ministers.
The Neskantaga First Nation declared a state of emergency last April over a spate of suicides — and the officials were warned Ottawa could face heightened pressure to provide similar support services to other communities as the area undergoes further development.
“Other communities located adjacent to the Ring of Fire development may have similar complex needs, and the increased activity in this region may place additional pressure upon the federal government for further action,” the document says.
The Canadian Press obtained the memo under the Access to Information Act.
Several federal departments are working with local First Nations and the Ontario government on community health, social services and skills training.
Health Canada has funded projects in nine First Nations communities to try to curb prescription drug abuse.
There’s also work underway to address mental-health issues and prevent suicides.
Addressing these social problems is necessary if First Nations are going to be involved in Northern development, the document says.
SO………………………, here’s the situation bunky!
If you leave the Northern Native Tribes to themselves, they are welfare cases that can’t do anything without government help …………..!
BUT, if ya start to develop their territory, like they want to do with the “ring of fire,” we run into a different problem!
“Physical and mental health are determinants for job and economic readiness,” the reoprt says.
imagesCABTBQ5G“Recognizing the impact that socio-economic challenges have on economic development, the government of Canada has prioritized the building of social infrastructure in these communities as a critical precursor to supporting their participation in the opportunities afforded by the Ring of Fire developments.”

The Ring of Fire, located more than 500 kilometres northeast of Thunder Bay, Ont., is a treasure trove of minerals and contains the largest deposit of chromite — a key ingredient in stainless steel — ever discovered in North America.
Both the federal and provincial governments have high hopes for billions of dollars of investment in the Ring of Fire — development they hope will bring prosperity to struggling First Nations and royalties to their own coffers.
Federal and provincial ministers have compared the region to the Alberta oilsands in terms of its potential to produce wealth and development.
Health Canada didn’t immediately make it clear how the situation developed where existing social programs might not meet growing needs.
What a catch 22 situation folks, one way they are welfare cases, and the other way they’re basket cases ……., responsibility seems to make their society fall apart!
You may have heard that Phil Everly died today, ending a long musical career for the Everly Brothers.
THIS is how it started!

The Mrs. Herself tells me she went to see the Everly Brothers when she was a very young girl back in Glasgow......., AND THE ROLLING STONES WERE THE WARM-UP GROUP!