A missing 70-year-old Leamington, Ont. man was
found alive Tuesday after spending the night buried in snow inside his
pickup truck during one of the worst cold weather spells the area has
seen in years.
John Friesen was reported missing several hours after he left his home around 4:30 p.m. Monday in the midst of a dangerous cold snap and blowing snow.
It wasn’t until Tuesday afternoon that two Ontario Provincial Police officers, aided by a local snow plow driver, noticed a vehicle buried in a large snow drift on East Beach Road in Leamington.
“All they could see peering out from the snow drift was a tail light,” Const. Stephanie Moniz, a spokesperson for Leamington OPP, told CTVNews.ca.
When they began digging, they realized it was Friesen’s 2008 white GMC Sierra pickup truck.
The officers had to break one of the truck’s windows to get to Friesen, who was responsive but obviously affected by the frigid temperature, Moniz said.
Read more: http://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/missing-ontario-man-found-inside-truck-buried-in-snow-drift-1.1628445#ixzz2po1XQ8Uz
A Kentucky man escaped from a minimum security jail yesterday
afternoon, and by early evening he was back ……, pounding on the door to
be let back in!
“Too fucking cold” Robert Vick was heard to say!
What makes you happy, bunky?
Well, ………………, people do!
But how about MONEY?
Studies have shown that money can only make you happy up to about $75,000 a year — that’s how much ya need to fill all your basic requirements!
After that it’s no longer relevant!
It’s empathy that boosts our spirits, kids, a connection that comes from the famous “love hormone“: oxytocin.
(NOT ‘Oxycontin’ – that’s the recreational drug!)
“Oxytocin connects us to other people. Oxytocin makes us feel what other people feel. And it’s easy to cause people’s brains to release oxytocin. Let me show you. Come here. Give me a hug,” Zak demonstrated in a 2011 TED Talk.
“[You need] eight hugs a day. You’ll be happier and the world will be a better place.”
Happiness is a lifestyle choice. And, yes …………………………, you can fake it ’til you make it.

UL (Reuters) – Dennis Rodman led an auditorium of North
Koreans in singing “Happy Birthday” to their leader on Wednesday, a day
after the former U.S. basketball star sparked controversy by appearing
to suggest a Korean-American was to blame for his captivity in North
Rodman brought a team of fellow former National Basketball Association stars to the North Korean capital, Pyongyang, to mark the birthday of leader Kim Jong Un with an exhibition game. The birthday is believed to have been on Wednesday though that has not been confirmed.

“It started out as surreal, then people joined in and it sort of faded a bit, but it seemed pretty heartfelt from Rodman’s side,” said Simon Cockerell, a tour guide who watched the game in Pyongyang, said of Rodman’s birthday singing.
“It was unexpected, and probably unplanned,” he said. “Kim Jong Un appeared to smile, but he didn’t appear to expect it.”
I turned on a video yesterday that was going to tell me the five things I should never eat …………………!
Ten minutes into the video the only thing they had told me so far, was that they were going to tell me about the five things!
(That’s ten minutes I’ll never get back!)
We have another guy who is sort of an “Asshole of the Day!”
’12 Years a Slave’ film director Steve McQueen!
Why ………….., you ask?
Because he calls himself “Steve McQueen!”
Out of common decency, as well as simplicity, he should have been called Steven McQueen, or Stevie McQueen.
Or just plain “Queenie!”
Anything but Steve McQueen!
(Plus, to add to the confusion, the new guy is BLACK , and McQueen was about as WHITE as ya could get!)
Chris Brown is going back to court ……………………., I don’t even know, or care, what he did this time, I just thought you should know that he’s at it again!
And a third asshole as well!
They seem to be coming out of the woodwork today!
In January 2014, self-described professional Bigfoot hunter Rick Dyer proclaimed that he had shot and killed one of the mythical creatures in San Antonio, Texas, back September 2012.
After a lengthy battle with his investors, he said, he had finally
taken possession of its remains, released a photograph of the dead
beast’s corpse (shown above), and was preparing to exhibit the body on a
North American tour: (Meanwhile, State officials are considering
charges! NOT for killing the ‘beast,’ just for being an asshole! -Ed.)
Read more at http://www.snopes.com/photos/supernatural/bigfoot2014.asp#UTrLccCz66Hzc8ox.99
Seems one of the biggest problems with all this cold weather is that everybody’s phone keeps going dead! Too hard on the batteries!
The Mrs. Herself and I were siting around last night
discussing what makes an actor, author, or any other well known person
famous …………………, and we finally decided that it was just plain good old
What brought this on was my complaint about writing a fairly decent blog, (this one) and a book about how people used religion for their own purposes ………., and neither one has done as well as I had hoped!
Don’t get me wrong folks, I looked at both of them rather objectively, and they’re not too bad!
Matter of fact, they’re rather GOOD!
BlogsCanada.ca usually has less than five hundred readers a day, and
my book, “The Plain Truth About God” (What went wrong with Western
Religion) has only sold a handful of copies. (Matter of fact, I’m my own
biggest customer!)
We then went on to discuss all the truly talented people there are in show business …………………. people who can sing, and dance, and act, and do all sorts of wonderful things, BUT IT DON’T MEAN SHIT UNLESS YA GET LUCKY AS WELL!
(I even know of some people who CAN’T act, sing, dance, or anything at all, but they still got lucky!)–>
So there it is, bunky …………………………, talent has a lot to do with fame and fortune, but LUCK has a bigger part!
Just like where, and how, you’re born, is all about ‘the luck of the draw!’
You can be born as Prince George of Britain, or a poor brown kid from somewhere in Africa ………………….. it’s something ya have no control over kids!
(But, I guess being a white, middle class guy in Canada means I already won the lottery! Eh?)
John Friesen was reported missing several hours after he left his home around 4:30 p.m. Monday in the midst of a dangerous cold snap and blowing snow.
It wasn’t until Tuesday afternoon that two Ontario Provincial Police officers, aided by a local snow plow driver, noticed a vehicle buried in a large snow drift on East Beach Road in Leamington.
“All they could see peering out from the snow drift was a tail light,” Const. Stephanie Moniz, a spokesperson for Leamington OPP, told CTVNews.ca.
When they began digging, they realized it was Friesen’s 2008 white GMC Sierra pickup truck.
The officers had to break one of the truck’s windows to get to Friesen, who was responsive but obviously affected by the frigid temperature, Moniz said.
Read more: http://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/missing-ontario-man-found-inside-truck-buried-in-snow-drift-1.1628445#ixzz2po1XQ8Uz
“Too fucking cold” Robert Vick was heard to say!
What makes you happy, bunky?
Well, ………………, people do!
But how about MONEY?
Studies have shown that money can only make you happy up to about $75,000 a year — that’s how much ya need to fill all your basic requirements!
After that it’s no longer relevant!
It’s empathy that boosts our spirits, kids, a connection that comes from the famous “love hormone“: oxytocin.
(NOT ‘Oxycontin’ – that’s the recreational drug!)
“Oxytocin connects us to other people. Oxytocin makes us feel what other people feel. And it’s easy to cause people’s brains to release oxytocin. Let me show you. Come here. Give me a hug,” Zak demonstrated in a 2011 TED Talk.
“[You need] eight hugs a day. You’ll be happier and the world will be a better place.”
Happiness is a lifestyle choice. And, yes …………………………, you can fake it ’til you make it.
Another “Asshole of the Day” for this guy, folks! (Why not two days in a row!)
Rodman brought a team of fellow former National Basketball Association stars to the North Korean capital, Pyongyang, to mark the birthday of leader Kim Jong Un with an exhibition game. The birthday is believed to have been on Wednesday though that has not been confirmed.
“It started out as surreal, then people joined in and it sort of faded a bit, but it seemed pretty heartfelt from Rodman’s side,” said Simon Cockerell, a tour guide who watched the game in Pyongyang, said of Rodman’s birthday singing.
“It was unexpected, and probably unplanned,” he said. “Kim Jong Un appeared to smile, but he didn’t appear to expect it.”
I turned on a video yesterday that was going to tell me the five things I should never eat …………………!
Ten minutes into the video the only thing they had told me so far, was that they were going to tell me about the five things!
(That’s ten minutes I’ll never get back!)
’12 Years a Slave’ film director Steve McQueen!
Why ………….., you ask?
Because he calls himself “Steve McQueen!”
Or just plain “Queenie!”
Anything but Steve McQueen!
(Plus, to add to the confusion, the new guy is BLACK , and McQueen was about as WHITE as ya could get!)
Chris Brown is going back to court ……………………., I don’t even know, or care, what he did this time, I just thought you should know that he’s at it again!
And a third asshole as well!
They seem to be coming out of the woodwork today!
In January 2014, self-described professional Bigfoot hunter Rick Dyer proclaimed that he had shot and killed one of the mythical creatures in San Antonio, Texas, back September 2012.
Read more at http://www.snopes.com/photos/supernatural/bigfoot2014.asp#UTrLccCz66Hzc8ox.99
Seems one of the biggest problems with all this cold weather is that everybody’s phone keeps going dead! Too hard on the batteries!
What brought this on was my complaint about writing a fairly decent blog, (this one) and a book about how people used religion for their own purposes ………., and neither one has done as well as I had hoped!
Don’t get me wrong folks, I looked at both of them rather objectively, and they’re not too bad!
Matter of fact, they’re rather GOOD!
We then went on to discuss all the truly talented people there are in show business …………………. people who can sing, and dance, and act, and do all sorts of wonderful things, BUT IT DON’T MEAN SHIT UNLESS YA GET LUCKY AS WELL!
So there it is, bunky …………………………, talent has a lot to do with fame and fortune, but LUCK has a bigger part!
Just like where, and how, you’re born, is all about ‘the luck of the draw!’
You can be born as Prince George of Britain, or a poor brown kid from somewhere in Africa ………………….. it’s something ya have no control over kids!
(But, I guess being a white, middle class guy in Canada means I already won the lottery! Eh?)
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