Well folks, if you’re like any other middle-aged (or older) adult, you probably have times when ya wonder if the old “Heimers” is setting in!!!!
Researchers have developed a simple, self-administered, 15-minute test that they claim will help identify the early signs of dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease.
(A new, do-it-yourself questionnaire-based test for dementia may revolutionize the early diagnosis and treatment of the disease, including its Alzheimer’s manifestation, researchers say.)
The exam, which can be completed at home, by hand or online, tests language ability, reasoning, problem-solving skills and memory.
(A new, do-it-yourself questionnaire-based test for dementia may revolutionize the early diagnosis and treatment of the disease, including its Alzheimer’s manifestation, researchers say.)
The exam, which can be completed at home, by hand or online, tests language ability, reasoning, problem-solving skills and memory.
TAKE THE TEST AT THIS SITE: http://www.itv.com/news/2014-01-13/dementia-test/
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Senate Intelligence Committee released a report on the deadly assault on the diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, Wednesday, laying blame on the State Department, the intelligence community — even the late Ambassador Chris Stevens — for failing to communicate and heed warnings of terrorist activity in the area.
The highly critical report also says the U.S. military was not positioned to aid the Americans in need, though the head of Africa Command had offered military security teams that Stevens — who was killed in the attack — had rejected weeks before the attack.
It also said that in the aftermath of the attacks, U.S. analysts confused policymakers by blaming the violence on protests without enough supporting intelligence.
The 2012 Benghazi attacks have dogged the Obama administration, because then-U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice initially blamed the violence on mob protests over an anti-Islamic film. Al-Qaida-linked militant groups were later blamed for the attacks, first when militants overran the temporary U.S. mission on Sept. 11, 2012, and later that same night, when militants fired mortars at the nearby CIA annex where the Americans had taken shelter.
The bipartisan report may settle what has become a running political battle between Republicans, mostly in the House, who say the Obama administration has been covering up what they consider misdeed before, during and after the attack, and the administration, which says Republicans are on a political witch hunt.
Roughly a dozen investigators searched Bieber’s home and then gathered samples of some eggs in his fridge to see if they were the same as the eggs tossed at his neighbours house!
After extensive DNA testing, detectives concluded that the eggs in Bieber’s kitchen were indeed the same as those tossed at his neighbour, and are set to charge him with a felony!
Justin was not available for immediate comment, and issued a statement later in the day from his home in Canada, saying that he had been egged on, and beside that, there was no eggstradition treaty between the two countries for this sort of crime ………………………., so the yolk was on the cops!
(And as for the question of whether drugs were found at the house ……………., of course there were! Why do you think they were throwing eggs?)
The former reality star revealed during an interview on The Wendy Williams Show Tuesday that he had a vasectomy, after stating that he and girlfriend Liz Jannetta won’t be having any kids together. “We can’t have more kids,” Gosselin, 36, said. “Yeah, I’m fixed and Liz is fixed.”
That’s all fine and dandy kids, but we here at the Naked News department think he got his vasectomy about ten years too late!
Generally speaking, domestic drone surveillance is a big no-no. Nevertheless local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies in the United States are finding a way to do it by borrowing drones from U.S. Customs and Border Protection.
Between 2010 and 2012, Customs and Border Protection flew 687 drone missions for other law enforcement agencies around the country.
Those missions included everything from finding missing persons to spying on marijuana farms.
The names of many specific law enforcement agencies were blocked out in the flight logs that the Electronic Frontier Foundation recently requested, but the Coast Guard and DEA are believed to be the most drone-hungry agencies.
(Ya see folks, just like the NSA, the rest of the government is using this stuff to spy on their own people!)
As 49-year-old Guillermo Reyes got out of his car at an alcohol checkpoint on Tuesday, officers heard a voice coming from inside the vehicle: “He’s drunk, he’s drunk.”
It was Reyes’ pet parrot.
Sure enough, Reyes failed a sobriety test and was arrested for drunk driving.
The parrot, who apparently never liked Reyes to begin with, gave this reply when asked how he felt turning in his owner!
Canada’s new F-35 Jet Fighter can do some amazing tricks folks!
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