I remember, during my late teen and early twenties, living in La La land and being exposed to real hippies for the first time.
One of the girls in the group I hung around with was commenting on a fender bender accident she had just seen, and made this astute observation: “Why can’t they just get giant rubber beach balls and put wheels on them? That way if you hit something it would just bounce off!”
Now, aside from the obvious naivety of that statement, I also realized that it was a remark made without giving any alternatives that were in the least bit practical…………..!
The reason I bring this up is because I watched an interview on the CBC last night where Neil Young was talking about the Alberta Oil Sands, and making the same “pie-in-the-sky” statements that the girl from my youth had made!  (I already made Neil our “Asshole of the Day” once this week, so I can’t really do it again!)
imagesntgWhat struck me about good ‘ol Neil’s remarks is that they were full of mis-information and outright lies, while at the same time not giving one single alternative.
Oh, the Oil Sands are “bad for ya” and “destroy the environment,” and “increase green house gasses,” etc. etc. (All of which are outright WRONG, or seriously distort the situation!)

Young is facing mounting criticism over his comments that compared the landscape around the oilsands to that of Hiroshima after the atomic bomb.
Federal Natural Resources Minister Joe Oliver called them insulting and Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall called the remarks ignorant. The president of Cenovus Energy, Brian Ferguson, says environmental groups and Hollywood celebrities have been making baseless accusations about the oilsands.
Young has been taking strong political positions for decades.

Neil, like so many other tree huggers, didn’t offer one single thing as an alternative!
It was just “Let’s just give up gas guzzling cars and industrial pollution” and go back to living the way they did a hundred years ago!
I’ll tell ya one thing kids, if we gave up our cars, there wouldn’t be any more exhaust pollution fouling our atmosphere, but we would be knee deep in horse-shit!

asshole trophyWOW, talk about an “Asshole of the Day!”
This is a double award today folks!
First of  all to Skylar Murphy as the perpetrator of this dastardly deed, and second to the Canadian Air Transport Security Authority for how they handled it!.
untitledThe 18-year-old resident of Spruce Grove, Alta., an Edmonton bedroom community, was headed to an international flight last fall when, according to court documents, the uniformed screeners employed by the Canadian Air Transport Security Authority (CATSA) discovered black powder and a pipe bomb in his carry-on bag, The Canadian Press reports.
We’re not talking about some thoughtlessly packed nail clippers or a bottle of water purchased outside the price-gouging confines of the pre-flight security cordon. It was a bomb, or at least the makings of one.
The screener confiscated Murphy’s explosives …………… but the teen was then  allowed to board his flight!!  (As a matter of fact: A Canadian Air Transport Security Authority (CATSA) guard who seized the pipe bomb from Skylar tried to give it back to him.)
I really don’t know what to say about this one, boys and girls!
NO, honest, I’m at a loss for words!
This report just in to the Perspective Naked News department, “monkeys at a zoo in England have been banned from eating bananas — for their own good.”  (Jesus Christ folks, that’s just like trying to keep beer away from a Canadian!)
There is a man in Kingston who says he can build roads that defy aging.
Imagine roads free of potholes and cracks. That would lead to fewer repairs, fewer traffic jams and maybe, just maybe, a significant reduction in road rage.
untitledIt sounds like utopia and Simon Hesp sounds like a man given to hyperbole — a rogue in the industry, as a chemical engineer in a field that belongs to civil engineers.

But the Queen’s University professor has the bona fides to back up his claims.
“We had potholes in Kingston the size of buses,” Hesp says. “That will never happen again, because they are listening 100 per cent and are nice guys.”
Hesp developed several tests that identify “garbage” asphalt. Kingston adopted those tests in 2009, and what they get, essentially, is more pure asphalt, largely free of cheap additives and modifiers.
Kingston now considers itself the leading municipality in road science in the country. The strict standards are mandatory for construction on arterial and collector roads and on some local roads.
“This is just the fifth winter with the new standards,” says Mark Campbell, construction manager of the engineering department with the City of Kingston. “So it’s early yet, but it’s certainly standing up very well. No cracks at all.”

Paul Chaisson/The Canadian Press
I was reading a story about one of the 18 guys who tried to blow up a train between Toronto and New York, and the thing that struck me was comments he made about Western values and morals.
men63It was the usual bullshit about a “decadent” society, “moral decay,”  and something about “hell in a hand-basket” ……………. , but what struck me was his belief that he was morally justified in doing something about it!

Look folks, if ya don’t agree with someone’s way of life, or their morals, all you have to do is keep your distance from them.
Religion does NOT give you the right to take the high ground and start telling other people what to do!
They just might live in a decadent and morally corrupt society, but it’s not your job to set them straight ……………….., and certainly not your duty!
Thor and Rush star Chris Hemsworth will join Cheryl Boone Isaacs, president of the U.S. Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, to unveil nominees for the 86th annual Academy Awards beginning at 8:38 a.m. ET.
We will keep you informed!