It’s time again for the glittering party that is the Golden Globe Awards. But what exactly are they?
Reliable Oscar bellwether?
Celebration of “the best and brightest of movies and television”?
A chance to see Hollywood royalty drunk?
The relatively loosey-goosey Globes tend to get much wilder
and weirder than the Oscars (though they’re not exactly the Independent
Spirits) — and that’s a good thing, isn’t it?
Let’s begin by declaring that Sunday’s Golden Globes results should be taken with a grain of salt, or even tinier, a grain of what The Wolf of Wall Street kept snorting up his nose.
The Globes are what they are. The stars will show up again
for the big bash, and sit at tables together and drink copious amounts
of wine, and thank the HFPA, and millions of us will watch again.
The Golden Globes are fun to watch, no question. It’s the only movie
awards show urging attendees to get drunk and do or say something
stupid, by placing champagne magnums on each table, in case the
wide-open bar doesn’t quench thirsts. Unlike the Oscars, the Golden
Globes show usually ends on time.
The Philadelphia Daily News has also talked to a 20-year-old woman named Gabby Chest who claims that the same man sent her a message on OKCupid asking her to “perform masturbation on him with cheese.” The Daily News obtained an excerpt from that message in which the man explains the genesis of his fetish:
It is by far the most ignorant Christian country in the world
…………, when it comes to stupid beliefs like ‘Creationism!” (Only some of
the Muslim countries like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan are crazier!)
It also has the most people, as a percentage of population, in jail.
More than any other country on Earth. (And that includes
North Korea, China, Russia, the Middle East, Africa or anywhere else you
would care to name! )
This “Freedom of Speech” meanwhile, is ignored by the Government
because they spy on their citizens more than any other country in the
Speaking of the states: A permit to hunt and kill an endangered Black Rhino has been sold at a US auction for $350,000 (£212,000
The Dallas Safari Club in Texas says the hunt will help
protect the species by removing an old aggressive rhino, and funding
future conservation.
There were protests in Dallas as the auction took place.
(The auction has been fiercely criticized by conservationists, and has even drawn death threats.)
The Safari Club, meanwhile, doesn’t seem too concerned, since, as they say: “The chances of finding a black rhino in this area is pretty slim!”
AND FINALLY: The Toronto Star had another bunch of nasty articles about Rob Ford on the weekend.
To counter their attempts at mud slinging and ‘Yellow Journalism,” we here at the Perspective Research Department, along with the members of the Naked News staff, are showing his Rotundness in a favourable light for all to see!

Reliable Oscar bellwether?
Celebration of “the best and brightest of movies and television”?
A chance to see Hollywood royalty drunk?
Let’s begin by declaring that Sunday’s Golden Globes results should be taken with a grain of salt, or even tinier, a grain of what The Wolf of Wall Street kept snorting up his nose.
Good old Gawker ……….., whenever things get slow, I know I can always rely on them for something to pick-me-up!
He is currently driving around the Mayfair area of Philadelphia asking women to use the slice of cheese while jerking him off.
The man,
who has yet to be identified, is being sought by cops in Philadelphia
after a number of women have filed complaints with police stating that
he has driven up to them in parking lots and exposed himself while
asking to be masturbated with a slice of Swiss cheese.
“I started to compare girls to cheese due to their milky
complections [sic], girls are soft, smooth feeling and tend to like
dairy products more. That and typical advertising, always using a girl
to advertise dairy products. So cheese is what I started to use as a
replacement for having sex with girls.”
This is
what it means to be a woman in America. If a 50-year-old man isn’t
harassing you online about executing a specific food fetish, he’s
driving up to you in a parking lot with his dick out and a slice of
Swiss cheese literally in his hand.
And here Philly thought its stupid sandwiches were the extent of its cheese problem.
The United States of America is the most litigious society in the
world kids ……………………….., everyone will sue anyone else at the drop of a
It has the highest number of gun deaths as a percentage of population
………………., more than anywhere else on Earth that is not directly involved
in a war!
Speaking of Wars!
It has been at war more than any other country on the Planet during
the twentieth century ……………, including the invasion of Grenada, which
required a dozen off-duty Marines, and a retired Sargent!
The more violence and killing on TV the better ……………., but God help anyone that shows a breast during a football game!
It has Militias and cults all over the place, yet most people ignore them because of something called “freedom of speech!”
In spite of all this, the average American family is still relatively normal.
Go figure!!!!!!
There were protests in Dallas as the auction took place.
(The auction has been fiercely criticized by conservationists, and has even drawn death threats.)
The Safari Club, meanwhile, doesn’t seem too concerned, since, as they say: “The chances of finding a black rhino in this area is pretty slim!”
AND FINALLY: The Toronto Star had another bunch of nasty articles about Rob Ford on the weekend.
To counter their attempts at mud slinging and ‘Yellow Journalism,” we here at the Perspective Research Department, along with the members of the Naked News staff, are showing his Rotundness in a favourable light for all to see!
On Saturday, Toronto Mayor Rob Ford appeared at
Muzik, a popular Toronto nightclub on the grounds of Exhibition Place
known for its well-dressed clientele and expensive bottle service.
Thus far, there are no reports of inappropriate behaviour from his trip!
Thus far, there are no reports of inappropriate behaviour from his trip!
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