This blog is therapy for me!
Oh, I know I started out intending to make a lot of money, and have thousands of people hanging on to my every word …………………, but it didn’t turn out like that bunky!
Instead, reality hit, and it turned into a non-for-profit endeavour, with readers in the hundreds, instead of thousands.
So, I use it to vent and rant about what ever happens to catch my fancy that day!
That’s right kids, these pages are fueled by boredom, and the need to express myself!
I admit that I usually bend the truth a lot on these pages, or just make stuff up in a feeble attempt to get a laugh or two!
(After all the Perspective motto is “Never let the truth get in the way of a good story!”)
This subject today is one I have to be deadly serious about kids.
The Amish are conspiring to take over the world!
They’re disguising themselves as environmentalists and tree huggers, and they’re out to get us!
(Go ahead …………….., ask me!)
Because I read an article in the Georgia Straight magazine (A left wing hippie type thing that I used to work for back in the late 60′s) that had THIS quote from the environmental lobby out in La La land!
Read it again!
The sons-a-bitches want to send us back to the horse and buggy days kids!
It’s just like I told you …………………………………, there is a conspiracy afoot to turn us all into Amish!!!!!
Well I ain’t going folks.
So there!
Oh, I know I started out intending to make a lot of money, and have thousands of people hanging on to my every word …………………, but it didn’t turn out like that bunky!
Instead, reality hit, and it turned into a non-for-profit endeavour, with readers in the hundreds, instead of thousands.
So, I use it to vent and rant about what ever happens to catch my fancy that day!
That’s right kids, these pages are fueled by boredom, and the need to express myself!
(After all the Perspective motto is “Never let the truth get in the way of a good story!”)
This subject today is one I have to be deadly serious about kids.
The Amish are conspiring to take over the world!
(Go ahead …………….., ask me!)
Because I read an article in the Georgia Straight magazine (A left wing hippie type thing that I used to work for back in the late 60′s) that had THIS quote from the environmental lobby out in La La land!
“Our task is to create a life-centered resistance movement that will dismantle industrial civilization by any means necessary!”
“Our task is to create a life-centered resistance movement that will dismantle industrial civilization by any means necessary!”
It’s just like I told you …………………………………, there is a conspiracy afoot to turn us all into Amish!!!!!
Well I ain’t going folks.
So there!
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