Folks,we just figured out how to solve the World’s ills and problems!
We are just going to pass laws that will solve these major impediments to a civilized society……………….., AND WE EXPECT EVERYONE TO FOLLOW THEM!
To start with, I am going to state a “Perspective” policy and rule today that everyone in Canada is obliged to follow!
“If any one of you sons-a-bitches decides to go to the Middle-East and get terrorist training, or join a terrorist group, YOU WON’T EVER BE ALLOWED BACK INTO CANADA!” (And if by chance you do get back into the country, you will be immediately charged and tried for “terrorism” and “treason!”)
Pass it on!

images8A3E399MFrom the Las Vegas Sun: An Austrian circus dwarf died recently when he bounced sideways from a trampoline and was swallowed by a hippopotamus. Seven thousand people watched as little Franz Dasch popped into the mouth of Hilda the Hippo and the animal’s gag reflex forced it to swallow. The crowd applauded wildly before other circus people realized what has happened.
Once upon a time, Toronto streetcars looked like this!

Then, when I was growing up, they looked like this!

NOW, here are the new streetcars, set to go into action next week!

That Muslim terrorist who cut the head off a journalist, was an Englishman from somewhere around London, judging by his accent!
Wanna bet there is one hell of a manhunt going on right now to find out who this guy is?

1408507711000-RMnew-400x400In a segment on the use of tear gas in the Ferguson, Mo., protests, CNN international anchor Rosemary Church asked why police are using this strategy instead of others to disperse crowds.
Church went on to ask Tuesday, “Why not perhaps use water cannons, at least it’s not something that is going to have the same kind of effect.”
(According to the latest report, Rosemary has been arrested and is being “water-boarded” for daring to suggest this!)
Another disturbing report says that the Ebola outbreak is a lot bigger than is being reported!
An Ottawa neighbourhood food bank’s request that donors stop contributing unhealthy foods is just not realistic, the head of the Ontario Association of Food Banks says.

“The reality is it’s tough to get quality food,” executive director Bill Laidlaw told CTV’s Canada AM on Thursday.
4162-Naked-Man-Wearing-A-Wooden-Barrel-Around-His-Waist-ClipartHe said Ontario food banks simply don’t have the food supplies to fill their needy baskets with fresh food, and must use the resources they have available to help people in need.
“The reality is, that’s the food we have, and we provide it to them the best we can, and we appreciate it,” Laidlaw said.
Laidlaw’s comments come after the co-ordinator at an Ottawa-area food bank, Parkdale Food Centre, asked donors to stop contributing “bad” foods like Kraft Dinner and hot dogs. “It is sending a message out to people that you are not worth it, that your health isn’t worth as much as my health is worth,” co-ordinator Karen Secord said earlier this week.
1057885-Royalty-Free-Clip-Art-Illustration-Of-A-Hairy-Nude-Shy-Man-Covering-Himself-Up-With-His-ArmsFood banks sort their donations into food groups and try to give the needy a basket of food that fits the Canada Food Guide requirements, Laidlaw said. However, there just aren’t enough nutritious donations to leave lower-quality foods out of those food packages, and items like Kraft Dinner and hot dogs help fill up the basket.

“Up to 50 per cent of our products are nutritious, protein-rich,” he said.
Laidlaw said if people can’t afford to donate nutritious food and don’t want to give Kraft Dinner, food banks also accept financial donations. “If you can give, that’s great, but we also like money,” he said. Food banks use that money to buy nutritious foods from local grocery stores.
Food banks are meant to help people “bridge the gap” when they fall on hard times, Laidlaw said. But some depend on the food bank for their long-term survival, so food banks can’t be turn away food that might help.
“For a lot of our food banks, we have to accept what we’re given,” Laidlaw said. “We provide them a healthy balance.”
Secord has already faced public backlash for her selective donation policy, with some on social media saying they’ll stop donating all together, and others telling her she has no right to be picky.

Read more:
AND FINALLY: Despite repeated attempts to find out why more people weren’t charged and convicted for the financial collapse and mortgage fraud fiasco in 2008……………….., our letter and e-mails to the U.S. Justice Department, the Attorney General’s office, and a half a dozen other organizations have gone TOTALLY unanswered!
Imagine that!


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