Folks, I work for myself so whatever I make is thru my own efforts and nobody should question how much it is, BUT, I will tell you that some years I have made fantastic money, most years average money, and this year, thanks to the Ontario governments pissing around with the solar industry again, we are eight months into the year and I haven’t even made ten grand yet!
I’m in business for myself, and I don’t have anyone to answer to anyone …………………… except my wife, my kids, the government, people I do business with, and the bank, to name just a few!
But that’s not the reason I’m writing about this stuff kids.
I am writing about the inequality among the middle-class itself!
Never mind the 1% ……………., or the guys making over 150 grand a year, I’m talking about the two separate classes of middle-class in this country!
On the one hand ya have the professionals, like cops, firemen, nurses, teachers, Managers, factory workers in the auto and chemical plants, and places like that,

These people all make between 75 to 100 thousand dollar a year!
untitledOn the other hand there are the rest of the workers in retail, service industries, mcjobs, labour, and shitty factory jobs that all make between 30 to fifty thousand bucks a year!
My question is: why is there one section of the middle class that makes, on average, about double what the other half makes?
There is something wrong here!
Driving into Sarnia to see my mother today, I saw a sign on the outskirts of town advertising places to see and things to do!
One of them said “Farting – 1 km!”
(I found out later that it really said “Karting – 1 km!”)
Be that as it may, I now know why the my wife keeps saying that Sarnia air smells bad!
Well folks, those hard done by Hollywood celebrities are bitchin’ again!
As private images ripped from the iCloud accounts of celebrities papered the internet last weekend, most people writing about the story called the release of the photos “leaks,” even though they were nothing of the sort. Early reports indicate that the photos were stolen, swapped, and disseminated by an “underground” ring of hackers who discussed the theft on message boards of sites like 4chan and AnonIB. It was a long-running, planned-out, targeted affair, but the end effect is the same as a “photo leak”: the images we see are candid shots of women obviously taken by or intended for a romantic partner.
Ricky Gervais hit the nail right on the head when he questioned why anyone would put sensitive pictures of any sort on the Internet.
Didn’t matter if they were celebrities or not!
He had to take the post down when some assholes started giving HIM a hard time for saying such a thing!
(My dad had a saying for idiots like this. (Even though it loses something in the translation from German.) It went like this: “Put all of them in big sack and then beat it with a stick…………., doesn’t matter who ya hit, it’s always the right one!”)
New DNA evidence has freed a death-row inmate and his half-brother after they spent three decades in prison for rape and murder on the basis of eyewitness testimony
A judge overturned the convictions of Henry McCollum, 50, and Leon Brown, 46, after another man’s DNA was discovered on a cigarette butt left near the body of a girl the siblings were convicted of killing in 1983. Tuesday’s ruling is the latest twist in a notorious legal case that began with what defence attorneys said were coerced confessions from two scared teenagers with low IQs. McCollum was 19 at the time and Brown was 15.
Defence lawyers petitioned for their release after a recent analysis from the butt pointed to another man who lived near the soybean field where Sabrina Buie’s body was found in Robeson County. That man is already serving a life sentence for a similar rape and murder that happened less than a month later.

Listen folks, more and more evidence is suggesting that “eyewitness testimony” is not all it’s cracked up to be!
With more emphasis these days on genetic evidence, and less on unreliable “eyewitness” evidence, perhaps we can cut down on false convictions in a justice system that is broken at best!
(Remember what your humble reporter suggested: If cops or overly ambitions persecutors railroad somebody into a conviction, and we find out about it ……… the cops and the prosecutors have to finish the guys sentence for him!)
Hey folks, remember what I said about today’s immigrant: They don’t want to know what there responsibilities are………………….. , just their RIGHTS!
Well listen to this, boys and girls!
Former Guantanamo Bay prisoner Omar Khadr tries again Wednesday to expand his civil lawsuit against the federal government to include a claim that Canada conspired with the United States for what he says was the abuse of his rights and torture.
The proposed $20-million action foundered last December when Federal Court Judge Richard Mosley ruled the amended lawsuit, initially filed in 2004, needed to be rewritten before it could proceed on its merits.
A key issue is whether Mosley will now allow Khadr to press his conspiracy claim — a cause of action the federal government says should not be available to him.
In essence, Khadr wants to argue that Canada conspired with the U.S. in breaching his charter rights when intelligence agents went down to Guantanamo Bay to interview him in 2003 and 2004. The conspiracy claim — if successful — would tie Canada’s conduct to that of the United States.
“A conspiratorial claim (would make) Canada liable for the torture that was committed by the States,” Khadr’s lawyer, John Phillips, said in an interview Tuesday.
“I want Canada liable for the torture.”
None of the allegations has been proven in court. The U.S. government has denied Khadr was seriously abused or tortured.
Documents show the RCMP was building a terrorism-related case against the Toronto-born Khadr at a time the Americans were developing war-crimes charges against him.

And finally: A pit-bull that did some good!
pit_bull_0_1409657062Hades the pit bull is doing her part to ensure the breed’s good name. When Jesse-Cole Shaver, his sister, Jasmine, and some friends were playing in the Oregon woods, someone stepped on a rotten log—and bees zoomed out to attack.
Jesse-Cole, 8, was stung some 24 times, and he couldn’t make it up a steep hill to escape. Fortunately, family dog Hades swooped in, pulling him by the pants up the hill and out of danger, the New York Daily News reports.
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