The left-wing is crazy and the right-wing scares the shit out of me!

Allan's Perspective is NOT recommended for the politically correct, or the overly religious. Some people have opinions. Some people have convictions......... What we offer is PERSPECTIVE!

Saturday, 19 August 2017

Saturday Morning Confusion #77

Dear Friends: "Let's get things back into perspective here!"  

I am a regular reader of a website called Quora and some of the questions and answers I have seen are a constant source of amusement and amazement to me.

Forget about all the insightful and intelligent questions that are asked there, and take a look at some queries that show just how narrow minded, simplistic, misinformed, ignorant and just plain fucking stupid some people are. 

I keep saying that we have an incredible lack of critical thinking in the U.S. (and sometimes even here in Canada) but the true breadth of this vast plague of  moronic individuals is sometimes hard to comprehend!

Here are a few of the questions that made me either scratch my head ......, or shake my head!


Why are Muslim beliefs tolerated and accepted, while Nazis beliefs are not, even when they are the same (e.g. belief in superiority over others, hate of homosexuals, disrespect for women)?

Is there any proof for evolution?

Since the scientists of Germany have now proven that there is life after death, what is the response of atheists towards them?

How does the rest of the world view President Obama? According to some conservatives here in the U.S., Obama has made the U.S. a laughing stock around the world. Is this true?'

If you could ascend to lichdom, but the catch is that you have to sacrifice 400 innocent souls just once, would you do it? You may perform benevolent acts after becoming a lich.

Why is it socially acceptable to tell smokers to "stop smoking" but not to tell fat people "stop eating"?

 Why is it believed that all humans had evolved in Africa? If that is the case, who or what was living in the six remaining continents?

 Why has Hilary Clinton been assumed to be guilty, but she hasn't been arrested?

If evolution is true, why aren’t there millions of creatures out there with partially developed features and organs?

What enhancements would the human body need to be able to run at the speed of light?

 If the stars suddenly moved at superluminal speeds and rearranged themselves in the sky to form letters that read "Hi, I'm God" and stayed that way permanently, would that prove the existence of God?

Why is Europe so primitive?

What if quantum physics will soon be able to explain someone’s presence in two places as a temporary "collapse" of all his body’s atoms into a huge "timeless and spaceless" void that exists within all atoms and is called "zero point energy"?


Why don't people understand Donald Trump?

Like i keep saying folks: "Let's get things back into perspective here!"  

The way I see it anyway! 

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