The left-wing is crazy and the right-wing scares the shit out of me!

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Thursday, 14 September 2017

Mother Nature at Work!

Dear Friends: "Let's get things back into perspective here!"

Folks we all know about Global Warming (Unless you're a Republican) but I betcha didn't know that old Mother Nature has a few tricks up her sleeve to help the continued carbon buildup from burning fossil fuels.
As carbon dioxide continues to build in the atmosphere — thanks to the burning of fossil fuels — scientists are busy figuring out how life on earth is adapting to its effects. And now, new research reinforces the idea that the world’s plant life is adjusting in a subtle, but deeply significant, way.
A study, just out Monday in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, supports a long-standing theory that some plants become more efficient at using water under higher carbon dioxide concentrations. This is a boon for the plant, allowing for more efficient photosynthesis, the chemical process by which plants make food for themselves, which requires both carbon dioxide and water.
Better photosynthesis helps plants grow bigger — which in turn allows them to store more carbon away. That means if plants around the world continue to adjust to rising carbon dioxide concentrations, increasing their biomass on a global scale, they could actually help offset some of our human carbon emissions by removing more carbon dioxide from the air.

Now please don't ask me any of the technical details kids, because the more I read the "scientific" stuff the more I got confused and bored, and eventually ended up with a headache.

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