The left-wing is crazy and the right-wing scares the shit out of me!

Allan's Perspective is NOT recommended for the politically correct, or the overly religious. Some people have opinions. Some people have convictions......... What we offer is PERSPECTIVE!

Tuesday 25 February 2020


Dear Friends:

Over the years I have had issues with the moderators of 'Reddit' .......because in an effort to promote their own viewpoint they are quick to delete or even ban articles and people if they don't toe-the-line with their particular ideologies!

Here is a message about what these moderators do and who they think they are:
A moderator who is not careful in their judgment, who presumes guilt without evidence, and operates with bias, is at risk of misusing the power which they hold. Reddit as a site, does not interfere with moderators who set unrealistic rules for the subreddits they moderate, and does not discipline moderators who act inconsistently toward members of their own community. As long as these actions do not break the rules as laid out by the aforementioned content policy, moderators have every right to mute and ban users, delete comments and posts, and censor as they see fit. (THIS is the reason I have an ongoing beef with them.)
Their absolute power over perhap incredibly popular communities, which market themselves as unbiased and fair, can play itself out to BE unbiased and unfair. What’s critical to understand first is that you hold absolutely no power in the decisions that they make, and are subject to all biases, misinterpretations, and malicious behavior that they show.
As you receive the message detailing disciplinary action against you in your inbox, you’ll have a few options. It is common for users to inquire into further detail surrounding the reasoning behind a disciplinary action, especially if they find it to be unfair.
If you choose to ask for further explanation from moderators of a specific subreddit, remember your role of holding absolutely no power in the domain which you find yourself a part of. The people you’re inquiring for details from can do what they want when operating inside their communities.
The role you adopt in your interaction must be a submissive one, without any inkling of seeking to prove a moderator wrong, or argue for your position to be right.
When asking for an explanation for disciplinary action taken against you, be calm in your writing approach. Make it a priority to explicitly state that you’re not looking to argue against their explanation, only to learn from it in order to not be penalized more harshly in the future.
No matter how unhappy you are with the explanation, the best approach is to simply thank them, and avoid being punished for something which can elicit a similar interpretation. Remember, if a moderator feels like it, they can fulfill their desires of controlling a small dictatorship.
Your arguments, reason, logic, excuses, examples, and evidence can be erased, ignored, not adhered to, and muted at the whim of a moderator’s emotional desire. You have no choice but to remain submissive to their interpretation, if you want to continue to operate within their community. 
State the reason for your inquiry as your attempt to be a better user, not an attempt to prove their disciplinary action as wrong. Remain unbiased and agreeable in your interaction with the moderators you perceive to be acting unfairly toward you, and play into their desire of maintaining a healthy community which they have complete control over.
 Yup, we got ourselves a bunch of little Hitlers who relish being on a power trip and foisting their views on anybody who engages with their particular domain!

This seems to apply more to people who criticize the left-wing and not the right-wing....... although as I say in my main blog I try to go the middle route.... as per my Masthead: ALLAN'S CANADIAN PERSPECTIVE - The left-wing is crazy and the right-wing scares the shit out of me!

I wrote about the Indian and Anarchist's blockades and disruption of travel in Canada....... which immediately got me banned from commenting on "r/Canada!"

I have removed myself from 'Reddit' on a couple of occasions because the moderators all seem to have a messiah complex..... but for some strange reason always go back there!

Maybe it's time to re-think this again!

The way I see it anyway!

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