The left-wing is crazy and the right-wing scares the shit out of me!

Allan's Perspective is NOT recommended for the politically correct, or the overly religious. Some people have opinions. Some people have convictions......... What we offer is PERSPECTIVE!

Wednesday 25 March 2009

The Ballad of Ezra Levant!

I was watching a talk program with Michael Coren last night and his guest was a guy named Ezra Levant.

The name rang a bell and as I watched, and if what I heard was not blown out of all proportion, then we are in a lot of trouble in this country and elsewhere!

You see, there are fourteen federal, provincial and territorial Human Rights Commissions across Canada, and Ezra has run afoul of some of them for refusing to back down against lobby groups for different religious and ethnic organizations that complain to these Human Rights Commissions! (The grand daddy of them all is the "Canadian Human Rights Commission." The CHRC.)

(That was a mouthful. Hope ya got all that!)

Now as I was listening to this program I didn't have pen or paper with me so you will have to trust me to present the facts from memory, but I'm pretty sure I got the gist of it!

Basically, these Commissions look into complaints from minorities about charges of "hate speech," "discrimination," "racism," and all sorts of other mean, nasty, slanderous stuff that we say about people that we don't like!

One of Ezra's main beefs is that these "Human Rights Commissions" seem to be very selective in who they go after!

It seems there have been numerous cases brought against people and groups who spoke a discouraging word about Muslims, Blacks and Homosexuals but have never ever, so much as once, said nada, nothing about bringing charges against people who defame, insult, incite to riot or violence or just plain don't like Christians, Italians, Brits, those whinny French or White or Chinese people, Martians and Venusians!

In other words, it's not like a buffet, where you can pick one from column "A" and one from column "B." This is more like a daily special that never changes!

God help you if you piss off the Muslims and Queers!

Now after hearing all this stuff you must be terribly curious as to what Ezra could have done to P.O. so many people that the CHRC went after him with a whole bunch of lawyers and spent half a million dollars to bring him up on charges.

(STOP! I have to say something here! The CHRC is not a "Court of Law," and does not operate as such. So there are no normal judicial checks and balances applied to them. But, if you dis-obey one of their rulings, they take it to a court of law and get a judgement against you, and then you're charged with contempt and get thrown in jail! See!)

Sorry, back to Ezra!

Remember those cartoons of Muhammad that caused all that trouble in Europe a couple of years ago and even got some people killed!

Well, Ezra figured the only way to let people know what the cartoon was all about was to show them the cartoon, since most of the major newspapers were too chicken-shit to print them!

This opened up all sorts of dialogue and everyone happily debated and argued all the different points to their hearts content until a complaint by Syed Soharwardy of the Islamic Supreme Council of Canada, and the Edmonton Council of Muslim Communities about Levant's publication of the cartoon because it "OFFENDED" him!.

(Sowharwardy has filed a complaint with Calgary police about Levant saying he feared for his safety because of "lies" he says Levant had been spreading about him and claiming Levant was inciting hatred. The cops looked at these charges and in a polite letter to Syed told him to fuck off!)

So, this Muslim guy is left with one complaint...........! Not because he "feared for his life," not because of "hate speech," not to "incite to violence" or any of that stuff.

No bunky, because it INSULTED him!

Levant was called before the Alberta Human Rights and Citizenship Commission and asked to respond to the complaint.

(At the demand of Levant and his lawyers, he was allowed to videotape his interview with Shirley McGovern, a human rights investigator with the commission. The videos of his interviews before the Alberta Human Rights Commission were published on YouTube by Levant, which received a notable amount of interest from bloggers and Internet users, spending several days in the top ten viewed videos on YouTube. The videos have since then been collectively viewed more than half-a-million times, and excerpts of the audio and video been featured by many notable radio and television programs.)

Soharwardy's complaint was ultimately withdrawn, however an identical complaint by the Edmonton Muslim Council proceeded.

That complaint was dismissed by the Commission on August 5, 2008.

The timing of the Levant case was notable, in that it coincided with a high-profile case considered by the Canadian Human Rights Commission, the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal and the Ontario Human Rights Commission.

You might remember that case was initiated by the Canadian Islamic Congress against McLean's Magazine for the printing of material they alleged was also discriminatory towards Muslims.

Another case that comes to mind concerning these whack jobs is about a guy who was going through a sex change operation, and as a part of his "mental healing" process decided that he needed to go to a woman's crisis home and provide counselling to rape and domestic violence victims.

Needless to say they threw him out, so he went to the CHRC and complained that his rights had been violated.

Guess what kids?

They agreed with him!

These are only a few of the many horror stories about Human Rights Councils and how they have taken Political Correctness and perverted it to no end.

If you would like to read more, Ezra's new book, "SHAKEDOWN," hit the stands yesterday!

Remember the one impoortant lesson from all this.

The "Right not to be offended" now trumps our "Constitutional Freedom of Speech!"

Just so you know!


-Allan; Note that the Canadian Human Rights Commission dismissed the complaint from the CIC against Levant. So basically you are criticizing them for even hearing it in the first place. Why are there more cases of complaints about offenses against Muslims than Christians, Italians, Brits or any of the other groups you mentioned? Well, obviously, there is likely much less cause for complaint. What controversy has put Italians in the public eye in the way that the "war on terror", not to mention ongoing wars being conducting inside two Muslim countires at this very moment. Remember world war two? Remember the Canadian town of Berlin changing its name to Kitchener while Japanese were put into internment camps? Is it surprising if there are people saying things about Arabs and Muslims that might be considered hostile by people from those groups?And is it surprising if those groups are a little overly sensitive at this point in our collective history?And the CHRC dismissed the complaint! So what is the big deal?Final note: to the best of my knowledge NO DECISION of the CHRC has ever been overturned in the courts, which do have power to override their decisions. That is a pretty decent record of jurisprudence. Rory M.,

-Rory, as I said I wrote this from memory but I think it was the Canadian Human Rights TRIBUNAL that overturned the Commissions judgement after they had spent a half a million dollars going after Levant! If you want to be an apologist for these groups that run to the government every time they get "offended" then that's your business but I don't have much sympathy for them. And for our American cousins just remember that this political correctness crap is taking place south of the border as well!
Allan Janssen,

Allan W Janssen is the author of the book The Plain Truth About God (What the mainstream religions don't want you to know......!) and is available as an E-Book H E R E ! and as a paperback H E R E !

Visit the blog "Perspective" at

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